Saturday, December 02, 2006

First Doctors Visit

Katie had her first pediatrician visit yesterday and just as our lactation consultant had confirmed for us the day before, Katie is doing great!
Her weight at the doctors office was 5 lbs. 1.5 oz. and she was 19 inches long. She is gaining and growing like a weed and everyone, doctors and parents, is pleased with all of her progress. The only problem with her growth that we are experiencing is trying to find clothing that fits her, she's small enough to fit into preemie clothing but way too long for it. Right now she is in newborn outfits, they fit her long legs but her tiny body just swims in them. Hopefully she will start filling out soon, she has started eating more often so I think she might be hitting a growth spurt. I'm hoping.
Anyhow, the doctors visit went well, it was short and Katie didn't have to get any shots. We are scheduled for our 1 month check-up next Friday and we will be rolling duo since Nat will be back at work. We were told that at her 2 month visit Katie will be getting 5 shots, so I don't think Nat will be getting out of that one!
One thing we learned yesterday is that Katie likes riding in the car, she was awake, quiet and with all of the rain yesterday she had something to look at while we were on the way home. We are still having an interesting go at trying to get her to sleep at night, she doesn't appear to like her crib and nothing we do between the hours of 1am-5am seems to be the right thing. I know it will get better day by day but with Nat heading back to work on Monday I am getting a little bit more nervous that I really won't be sleeping at all!
OK well I am going to grab a quick bite to eat before the feeding machine awakens. I'll keep posting pictures and interesting tid bits when I have time, hopefully I won't lose all of my gumption this coming week, but if you don't hear from me know that I have good intentions!!

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