Saturday, December 15, 2007

Feeling a little Christmasy!!

Today we got the new Winnie the Pooh Christmas DVD for Katie, she loves watching the video commercial on the Disney Channel, so I knew it was a must have! I don't think I have ever seen her actually watch the television like she did while watching Pooh bear with her Daddy, it was hilarious, she didn't even blink! It was just as entertaining for me as it was for her, I did take a video of part of it but it turned out way too dark to post. I'll try again later!
In other news, sad news, my Grandma Sylvanus passed away on Friday. She had been suffering the effects of Alzheimer's for over 7 years and it was not the quality of life that she would have wanted or deserved. It was unfortunate that she never met Katie or understood her existence, she would have been in love with her just as we are, and Katie would have loved her silly way of making every sentence into a song. Rest in Peace Gram, I'll miss you!

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