Friday, February 22, 2008

Yucky Weather.

I wish I had some action shots of us playing in the snow to show everybody but we are having yet another one of those winter storms that is going to amount to nothing in the end, it fizzled before it got a chance to really get going. Nat stayed home from work today in anticipation of this "storm" so having an extra set of hands around has been kind of nice, especially with a teething, moody and sometimes nutty toddler. I wish we could go outside and play in the inch or two of snow that we have but it turned to freezing rain right before the whole system petered out and I'm afraid of Kate taking a nose dive on the concrete. (I might go give the sidewalks a test run during her nap?!)

Well it's almost nap time here, Nat is already half asleep on the sofa and Katie is running around with one of my Crocs in each hand and throwing them on the carpet runner in the hallway. (We aren't doing any better with the throwing.) Snow days are always more fun for the kids! If the snow is good for some play time you might be seeing new pictures later in the day, if not have a good weekend!!

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