Saturday, November 22, 2008

The things we do for them.....

Just so you all can appreciate how cold it was at 8am this morning when we took the kids outside to play, the temperature on our outdoor thermometer said 22 and the wind was gusting up to 15 mph and the sun wasn't hitting our backyard was FREEZING!!! (the picture above is of Katie on her bottom after hitting some ice on our patio, everything was still frozen.)I'm getting cold just thinking about it now, in fact I'm ready to say that we are totally nuts, although as you can see there were two little people that really seemed to have fun (and four big people that did too!!)
Checking out the scene, with her ball in hand!
Maddux walking in snow for the first time, it was fun and a bit confusing!
Together, looking somewhat at the camera, and no one is crying....getting better!
Don't know what Nat was so popular?
Katie busting a move.
Sheri joining in, sorry Sheri!
He LOVES the cold!
Scott and Katie throwing snow at each other....check out Maddux trying to figure out how to get in on the action.

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