Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Maddux!

Another birthday here in the neighborhood, Maddux is turning 2 this week! Ugh, these kids are growing up way too fast, I can hardly believe that Katie will be 3 in less than two months. All of the emotion aside, it was a beautiful day for a party and the kids and adults had a blast; Happy Birthday Maddux!!
Katie and Maddux playing with the, hummm.... what are those called? You know, you blow into them and they roll out, jeez I really can't remember what they are called?!
Sweet baby Dylan.
Maddux switching fireman hats with his Great-Uncle Steve.
Maddux and Chase playing with some toys.
Firetruck cake, with cream cheese frosting, delicious!
Katie coming out of the bounce house.
Maddux on the way down.
Hanging out of the playhouse, look at that hair!
Maddux patiently waiting for his cake.
Opening a present.
Katie enjoying some cake, yes she ate with her fingers, we are working on that!
Maddux playing with one of his gifts, pieces of tubes that you can put together in different shapes, Katie and Maddux made musical instruments.
The three musketeers.
Nat helping Maddux with his new bike, it has no peddles and is designed to teach kids how to balance so when they do learn to peddle they have the balance thing all figured out!
Chase giving me a smile!
Another super cute picture of Chase, he was being a little ham for me so I just kept snapping away!

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