Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Dentist!

Today was Katie's 1st official visit to the dentist. She's actually been there before, but it was when she was 18 months old and fell on her face and we were overly concerned that her teeth might fall out! (yes I'm an over reactor) Since her teeth never did fall out, thank goodness, she was due to begin her bi-annual dentist visits. I was nervous that she would cry the entire time, but to my surprise, she did GREAT! The dental hygienist, Vicki, was fantastic with Katie, letting her pick out her toothpaste (orange) and hold the mouth vacuum thingy. Katie even thought the x-rays were fun! Who knew?
Katie's teeth, you can actually see her adult teeth growing under her baby right?!
Sitting in the BIG chair!
Smiling next to her "tools". The bent one is the mouth vacuum, Katie would put it in her mouth and pretend to "kiss" it and then watch the bubbles go down the tube. What a fun game!

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