Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week In Review (Part 2)

OUTSIDE! Yes, we have been waiting way to long to say that! Here are some pictures from St. Patrick's Day when Grammy came over with some rainbow cupcakes, yes she made them, to give to Katie and will see by the pictures that they loved them!
Tripp with a little more than a mouth full!
Izzie deciding that Tripp's bangs needed a quick trim.
Maddux looking good in the sand box.

Yea, we can see his eyes!
Sweet baby Dylan.
Back to the sand.
Katie and Pop, playing in the sand.
Pop trying to decide who to chase.
I think it's over this way.

Maddux and Dylan, how cute!!
And then comes Kate.
Katie in the goal.
Trying to be's the thought that counts!
Monday I took Katie to a place in Lemoyne, about a 30 minute drive, called the Playhouse Cafe. My friend Jenny found the place online and we loved the idea so much that we decided to go ASAP. Basically it's like a Starbucks, with a light lunch menu, but with playrooms for the kids so you can actually enjoy your coffee! As an added treat on Monday Dora the Explorer comes to play with the kids and as you will see it was the highlight of Katie's day!
Katie dancing with Dora.
Getting into the grove.

All of the kids getting down.
A Dora high-five.
Katie and Lydia on the airplane in the playroom, yay.

1 comment:

Liz Barton said...

Its strange that no one ever comments on your blog- so I will. Looks like a super fun week!