Friday, May 04, 2007

Getting better!

We are all in recovery mode here at the Burt household. Katie went back to the doctors office yesterday and was given a breathing machine that Nat has to hook up to her every 4 hours for treatments. She hates it! I think the problem with Katie is that she is too young to be given any real drugs unless she is in serious destress and what she has seems to be a really bad cold, so we are trying anything. I think the treatments are working, she slept last night from midnight-5am without waking herself up coughing, so small progress. As for me my fever finally broke, yay, and now I am in the coughing everything up mode. It's disgusting, but I am feeling better.
We took a little break today and drove over to the new house. I think Nat needed to get out of the sick ward, plus it's only a 5 minute car ride so we took a little trip. As you can see the roof is now done, the front part is a metal roof, the brick work is done and on the inside most of the wiring is now done.
Just as we were getting ready to leave the house two deer ran across the back fence, they are right over by the mulched area on the left of the picture. I guess they got lost because they stopped there for a minute and then turned back the way they came? At this point I was totally wiped out and had to go back to the car, so we don't really know where they went. Ok well back to bed with me, Nat has, has, has to go to work Monday so I have to get better, those are direct orders.

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