Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Katie's New Wheels

Lately Katie has taken to pushing her own stroller when we are out, also pushing shopping carts and anything that will move when pushed, so we thought it was high time to get her something her own size to push around. So far the doll stroller has been great, just what I had pictured. It was hilarious to watch at first because she was so used to pushing something heavy, she would always put her whole body into it, that she would give her doll stroller a firm push and she and the stroller would both tip over. I think after about an hour of practice she has the whole process figured out, although she doesn't like pushing it over the rug in the kitchen so she picks it up and carries it?!

She is still confused by handles, she was so used to not being able to reach them that she would push the bars behind the seat.

So why was she laughing so hard?? She was trying to run me over.

See, she still falls over.
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