Sunday, August 03, 2008


Nat, Katie and I just returned from Maggie Moo's, a local ice cream shop, and of course Katie is still covered in chocolate. Since we ate way to much ice cream Nat decided to burn some calories by going out to the driving range to hit a few balls and Katie and I are just "hanging out", slight ice cream coma.
In new Katie news, well new Katie tricks, she has figured out how to throw things through the cat door and down to the basement. Above you will find her throwing her Mickey Mouse ball through the little plastic door, so far I have only seen her do it once but I'm sure soon enough I'll be tripping over little plastic animals on my way down to the basement!!

Notice the chocolate all over her face!!

Katie and her monkey.

Another shot with her monkey, she carries him all over the house and gets ticked when she can't find him. Her monkey and her Rocket, from Little Einsteins, are her favorites. (As I'm typing this Katie just tossed Rocket down through the cat door......this is going to be a problem, isn't it?!)

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