Sunday, July 19, 2009

More Fun and Games...

Saturday morning we went over to my parents house to play with Tripp and Grammy, Izzie and Goug (Uncle Doug), were playing in a golf tournament so Grammy was taking care of Tripp for the day. The above picture is of the kids sharing some cereal puffs, now that Tripp is figuring out this crawling thing Katie isn't so keen of his ability to steal her food!
Katie feeding Tripp, her way of keeping him away from her food!
Later in the afternoon we went over to Nat's parents house for a little BBQ and fun. Aunt Christy was home for a little visit, Uncle Jarrett is in China (again), and Katie always loves to see her Aunt Christy. The big fun of the day was Ladder Ball, a game Grandma got for Grandpa for Father's Day, it was so, so much fun and we secretly think Nat has been taking private lessons, he was awesome!
Grandma Burt and Great-Grandma Lucia playing ladder ball, see they are was a blast!
Aunt Christy showing off her form.
Happy Katie on the swing, her favorite thing to do at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Katie and Great-Grandma enjoying a drink after a fun day of games!

1 comment:

the mishlers said...

Down here in Carolina it is considered Redneck golf. We have it too!!!