Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another Exciting Week!

Can you believe that baby Julia is already 1? We were at her birthday party last weekend and it was a blast, Heather always has the right amount of activities to keep the kids occupied!
Katie playing pin the flower on the stem, actually it's just a sticker so more like put the flower sticker on the stem.
Katie and Heather's niece Allison, every time Ally is over at Heather's Katie just hangs with her. Katie likes to play with bigger girls and Ally likes to baby little girls, it's a perfect match!
Katie in the bounce house.
Believe it or not I think there are about 5 kids in that bounce house, they had a BLAST!
Sweet Julia opening up a present.
She liked the cake!
Last Friday Nat took the day off of work and we headed for the ice skating rink here in York to see how Katie would do. She's been asking to try ever since the Olympics and so I figured with an extra set of hands we would give it a whirl. As you can see above she could walk on the skates right away, which gave me some hope!
But once on the ice she was confused, can you tell, and got frustrated that she couldn't control her movements.
She clung to the wall the entire 7 minutes we spent on the ice.
I think our next visit is about 6 months from now, we will try again at 4!
Scout!! She even looks slightly ticked in the picture?
Yesterday was ballet and she looked especially cute with her pink Hello Kitty boots!

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