Friday, May 02, 2008

Fairy Festival.....

Today my neighbor Sheri, her mom Lil, son Maddux, Katie and I went to the Fairy Festival down at Spoutwood Farm in Glen Rock. Spoutwood farm is an organic, community supported farm and every year they hold this fairy festival to raise money to keep the farm the success that it is. Sure it's a bit Earthy, a few to many adults dressed in costumes for me, but Katie LOVED it and I am certain that we will be going back every year; she loved the fairy wings, the drum circle and all of the bubbles that they were blowing....
I will appologize that the pictures are a bit out of order, but you can catch the drift....she got a bit of a tan (you can tell in the car seat picture!!).

Watching the drum circle.

Chasing the bubbles.

Still chasing....

I wish I could tan like her, no pink at all!!

She was watching a lady make bubble wands.

Katie with her wings, about five minutes later we lost them.....dang it.

Katie's drum circle.

Katie dancing with the other kids.

Just hanging out in the grass, watching everyone dance. It was her one moment of rest!

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