Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

We spent the afternoon at my parents house today, having a BBQ and watching Katie swim in her mini-pool. (Oh and putting sunglasses on Beamer?!) We really couldn't have asked for better weather, 84 degrees and sunny, perfect for sitting out on the deck and having a drink, unless you are pale and of German decent........then you are sitting in the shaded areas, smothered with sunblock and still getting sunburned. Of course we always have fun and eat way too much, but hey that's what family time is all about!!

Katie in her baby pool, my Mom bought the pool last year and it seemed so big at the time!! Today we watched as she climbed in and out of the pool all by herself and couldn't believe how independant she has become within the past year.

Mom and Katie blowing bubbles. In the background is my Uncle Tom who is visiting from Montana, he looks just enough like my Dad that Katie has been a bit freaked out by his presence all week. (By the end of the BBQ she was saying "Hi Dom" everytime he walked by her.)

Guess who wanted the Corona? She thinks she can count now so she walks up to everything and says "One".

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