Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning.....

In my ever growing quest for normalcy, in life and health, I have come up short, again. It is times like these when I wonder what I must have done as a child to deserve this constant barrage of weird ailments, I'm sure if you ask my parents they could render a lengthy list within a nano-second, but it digress. What, you ask is plaguing me this time??

The dizzies.

Not strong enough to mean anything to a medical professional and not weak enough to ignore; as Goldy Locks herself realized, they are just right. By just right I mean I have lost a little bit of my balance and I have motion sickness without the sickness, meaning I move my head to quickly and my stomach moves from my throat to my knees instantly, but I don't get any nausea. What I do get is pharmaceutical grade Dramamine which renders me worthless in 20 minutes.

This morning I woke up around 8:30am ate some breakfast, read the paper and popped a little pill. By 9am I was laying in back in my bed, still in my robe, with the sheets covering only my lower right leg. I was aware that I needed more sheets but I was literally useless, my arms and mind were shutting down and were apparently fine with the current situation.The next time I was conscious it was 11:30am, and I awoke to cat hair tickling my nose seeing as my cat decided to nest on my face while I was passed out. She normally does like to sleep close to me but I can only assume that most times I am with it enough to change positions and maneuver around her. Not on this stuff!! Once you are out, you are out. This brings us to yet another challenge, driving.

I am not allowed to drive while taking this stuff. For the first time I think I am going to heed my doctors warning about drugging and driving. Just typing this blog is making me realize that I am wacked out, it has taken me about 25 minutes to get this far and I have used the spell checker three times because I couldn't remember how to spell some not to tough words. I would give examples but I have already forgotten which words they were, hehe, I'm senile too!

Back to the point; I am stuck at home with my cat who has apparently been trying to smother me for quite a while, a pile of dirty laundry, which in sickness or in health I would ignore, and a blockbuster online movie that has been here since September that is dying to be watched. I have stuff to do and a cat to make amends with and yet I still can't cure the wanderlust within, I already want to break out. I know I can't drive, I mean I really understand this time, mailboxes would be just obliterated all around town if I were driving, but I'm bored and it hasn't even been 24 hours since I have been under house arrest.

On the flip side I always know if I get too bored I can pop a pill and lose a few hours, it might not be the best solution for killing time, but it's handy. Just kidding people, I have better things in mind to kill time; my stories, as Grandma Lucia calls them, tend to keep me entertained. "Days of Our Lives" may be tacky but damn if it doesn't take an hour from you without you realizing. Plus Amy Mishler's mom, Mrs. Lauer, sent me some salad recipe's so maybe I can hone my inner chef, starting with salads seems the least deadly cooking I can do with narcolepsy. (spell checked that one and I actually got it right!!!)

Well it's time for some lunch and another pill, another nap, and another chance for Scout to give me some "death snuggling". My doctor told me that this should all go away within a week or two so I am homebound for at least a little while longer. If you want to keep me company feel free to stop over or call between the hours or 8-9am, 12-2pm, and 5-8pm, I should be up then!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Saturday night was the annual holiday office party for Nat's company so we were down in Baltimore at the B&O Railroad Museum. The museum houses old railcars, engines, and even machines used to fix the railways themselves; it was awesome! Nat and I meandered around like the little nerds we are to read all of the information about the museum and the fun stuff inside, Nat even missed a group picture because no one could find him, oops!! I really wanted to get inside one of the engine cars but they actually had things roped off as if we were going to get crazy and wreck the place, hello these are computer people not sailors!! (Andrew)

The setting was really cool, the food was only so-so, but they did redeem themselves by having not one but two fountains of chocolate, one regular and one dark. Luckily we sat at the table nearest to the regular milk chocolate fountain, and by luck I mean we purposely sat there when we saw the caterers putting up the fountain, so we were first in the very long lines to get some chocolate covered bananas, marshmallows and pretzels. I bet you wish you were there now, huh?!

Oh, the picture above is of us with Nat's cousin Steff and her fiance Justin. As nepotism goes, Nat got Justin a job this year with a division of his company so we are starting our own mini-empire in the computer world. If you wouldn't have guessed Steff is on the Italian side of the family, her mother and Nat's mother are sisters. She obviously stole all of the Italian from everybody else!

In other news, Nat and I decided to skip the adoption meeting this past weekend. Well we didn't actually skip it, we postponed it. Nat and I both decided to take a longer break from all of this baby stuff, focus on other things for a while. We have some big events coming up, I turn 30 in March, we have our 5th wedding anniversary in May and he turns 30 in June; we want to enjoy those events, not stress about paper work and meetings. In all reality taking another few months off won't hinder the process by much anyway since China requires us both to be 30 when we submit our dossiers. So a few months off to clear our heads and hopefully squeeze in a trip to Texas and then we will be relaxed and ready for the road ahead.

Okey dokey people, that's all I have for now. I hope the new year is treating you all well so far, so far so good here. I'll be talking to you soon....... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Goodbye 2005, Hello 2006!!!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and fun New Year's Eve. Our Christmas season was hectic as usual, but this year we added a twist, a super fun twist.

We had a Christmas party!!

The Friday before Christmas Nat and I had a great shindig for our oldest friends here at our home. It's hard to see everybody these days since most of my friends have spread themselves far and wide so a party at Christmas, when they all come home, was the best time to rope them all together. The morning of the party I had a list of people who were definatly coming, 22 people, and a list of maybe canidates, 4 people. Well I guess word got out that Suzi Sylvanus was having a party, high school flashback, becuase we had 33 people show up. Woo-hoo!!

Still got it!! (or maybe free booze still has it?!)

We had a blast and I think everybody else did too, so as of now the 2nd Annual Christmas party is on for December 22nd, same time, same place. Mark your calendar!

That's it for now; I'm beat. Karen and Andrew partied us out last night in Annapolis and Nat's parents stuffed us with pork and sauerkraut this afternoon; it's 10pm and Nat and I are both in our jammies and the big guy is already in bed. We are wusses. You will hear from me next weekend, saturday is our first adoption meeting, yay! Until then..............