Friday, July 31, 2009

Last day at the beach.....

This morning Nat, Grandpa and Katie decided to feed the fish in the pond behind our townhouse, they seemed to really like Cheerios!
Another picture of everybody watching the pond.
Katie walking down to the beach.
Giving me a big smile as she went into the water.
Nat and Katie watching the water.
Me and Katie, sitting in the sand.
Smiling while burying her knees.
Happy in the sand.
Grandpa was taking this picture from the front and so I decided to snap one from the side.
Grandpa and Katie.
Waiting patiently for her last serving of Thrasher's fries.

Last yummy fry of the sad.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

More Fun........

This morning we decided to take a little biking adventure up and down the boardwalk here in Rehoboth Beach. We rented a 4 seater bike with a basket in the front for Katie, it looked cute but we soon found out it was a LOT of work! At 8:30am it was already in the 80's and with the humidity we were sweating from the first peddle, and dodging the crowds wasn't too much fun either. Oh well, lesson learned!
Me, Nat and Katie in the "bike".
The whole family at the end of our journey!
Katie sporting her Minnie Mouse shades.
Charging full steam into the water, she did get her first knock down by a wave today.
Grandpa and Grandma helping Katie jump over a wave.
My happy little sand digger!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eating, Playing and Having FUN!!!

Here are some pictures from the past few days that were on my other camera that I forgot to upload onto my computer, oops. Enjoy!!
Katie attempting to eat a hot dog like us big kids, on the bun with ketchup and mustard. We ended up cutting it up about five minutes later, the bun was frustrating to her so we had to toss it!
Eating spaghetti and meatballs, she gave up trying to use a spoon and went right to eating with her hands.
Eating some gelati, my little Italian princess!
Smiling standing next to the gelati, man does that girl love her ice cream.
Giving Daddy a big squeeze outside the popcorn shoppe.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We Are On The News!!!!


Day the beach.

Today Aunt Christy and Uncle Jarret left to go home, they were only here for three days. We have been having a lot of fun here, Katie is really enjoying the beach and all of the extra people around. The above picture is from a hotel we passed on the way to Grotto's Pizza down in Bethany Beach, yeah Aunt Izzie!
Right next to the Izzy Hotel was a sign for a band "Tripp Fabulous" did they know?!
Everyday we try to get Katie to carry one thing to the beach, today is was her toys, and she carried them for about 5 seconds after this picture was taken and then we took it the rest of the way.
The first thing she wants to do when we get to the beach is for Nat to make her a road so she can drive her trucks, this one is a cement mixer that she puts pebbles in.
Having a snack.
Running around in the surf; she likes to let the water come up to her ankles and then run around in circles when the water goes back out.
Katie, in her beach chair, chilling out with Aunt Christy and Uncle Jarrett.
Katie is really going to miss her Aunt and Uncle.
The same snack, 30 minutes later, with Grandma.
Katie has figured out how to drink water, without spilling, from a fact she thinks it's great!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Beach Day 1

Today was our first full day at the beach and it was awesome! The waves were a little stong and the undertoe was a bit much for Katie, but we still managed to have a great time playing in the sand and jumping in and out of the water.

Nat helping Katie jump in and out of the water.
Nat and Katie, happy at the beach.
Don't know this face is about but she was enjoying playing in the sand.
Yummy Thrasher's french fries.............oh so delicious.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

At The BEACH!!!

Today we left for a week long journey at the beach with Katie, Grandma and Grandpa Burt and Aunt Christy and Uncle Jarrett. It took us well over 4 hours to get there, but as soon as we hit the beach, it was well worth it! As you can see, this girl is a water baby!!
Katie awaiting the waves, they were a bit strong to handle on her own.
Grandma helping Katie stay standing.
Everybody standing in a line, hands on hips...........can you tell we are all related?
Oh yeah, she loves it!
Our little happy family.
Shoveling sand into the bucket.
More shovelling.

Grandma, Christy and Katie playing "Hot Potato".
So HAPPY to be on vacation!!!