Friday, August 31, 2007

Trying Food

So we are working on solids here and as you can clearly see macaroni and cheese was a big hit. I hadn't thought about the fact that the way babies eat, by squishing things between their fingers, she would have cheese all over her hands. As an added bonus to cheese hands she hit a tired spell in the middle of dinner and rubbed her eyes and cheese and noodle bits went everywhere. (If you look closely you can see some in her eyelid!) I wonder what we will try tomorrow?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cute Pictures.......

Just crawling around the kitchen.
Watching the sprinklers in the backyard.
I took this picture from the other side of the sliding glass door, I liked it?!


It has been a pretty boring time at the Burt house and trust me when I say I'm not complaining. I took this picture of Katie yesterday while she was eating lunch and you can see her two bottom teeth, her chompers, so I thought I would post it. She is working on her two top teeth now; I was pretty sure she would wake up this morning with a tooth, she was a drool machine yesterday, but so far nothing. Ok well that's it from here for now, I'll take some more pictures later today!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Funny things.....

Don't know why she started chewing on the giraffe but now she carries it around in her mouth everywhere. Odd............

Thursday, August 23, 2007

All over the place....

I finally got a picture of her crawling, which is easier now because that's all she does and she is getting FAST! She loves to move and already hates baby gates, she's too smart for us. Ok I just thought these two pictures were cute! Have a good day!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Another Fun Day!!

It was a cold, rainy day today in York, with nothing to do but PLAY!! Katie has resumed her 5:30am wakeup routine so we had a lot of free time to play and goof around. My friends Michelle and Mandy came over for a visit with their children Makenzie and Mark, how do you like that all "M" names?! It was nice for both of us to have friends over; I love having adult conversations and Kate is enamored by big kids right now. (She was literally hanging off of Mark at one point.) With all of the commotion you would think she would be wired but she ended up being a 3 nap baby including one nap while everybody was still here, she just got played out. When all of the playing was over at our house we moved the party over to my parents house for our Tuesday night dinner where she had Grammy and Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles and cousin Beamer (a chocolate lab) to play with. Needless to say she passed out in the car on the way home and slept from 6:30pm-5:30am, YAY!!! Ok well it looks like another day of gloom for us here, the high today is 74 degrees, so we will be in all day............any visitors????

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Party Day!!!

So today was a big party day, first up was Tilly's baby shower. Tilly, the one in the black shirt next to me, is expecting twin girls in November. Her son Ben is the little guy on the construction equiptment a few posts ago, cute little blonde dude. We had a great time socializing with everybody, including former swim team mates from Dallastown; GO WILDCATS!! Tilly got a lot of good gifts and thank goodness because two babies at once calls for a ton of stuff. Katie started getting cranky around cake time so we grabbed a quick bite and took off for home and a quick nap.....
(Startled Katie just waking up from a tiny nap at Tilly's shower!)

Up next was Makenzie's 2nd birthday party. (I forgot my camera in the car.) Once again we were fed well and got to watch a very excited little girl tear through a boat load of cool gifts. Makenzie was having a blast when we left, tired baby again, and unfortunatly we had to miss the all important "Happy Birthday" singing, but trust me when I say that noone missed my lovely voice.

I hope everyone has a great week................

Friday, August 17, 2007

Still going....

Man am I glad Amy told me to get this thing, Katie LOVES it!! She hasn't quite mastered moving from one side to another but she will stand in one place for almost 30 minutes and just bang away. It has been a nice distraction from the teething, although not totally distracting; we seem to go from pleasant to raving loon in under a minute. One tooth has successfully made a break for the surface and another one is going to make a run for it sometime in the next day or two and she has been flashing really gummy smiles all day which my sister Liz and I think has to do something with her upper gums bothering her. (the tooth that's in is on the bottom and the one that's about to come through is right next door.) Her miracle transformation to sleeping baby has also been looking more like hoax work as well; last night after an hour of sleep crying Nat went over and gave her some Motrin and rocked her back to sleep. I'm hoping and praying that it is just this teething stuff and once some more of the fellas pop out she will once again return to sleeping baby. Who knows? Ok well someone is trying to grab the laptop from me so I had better put it away before bad things happen. Have a good weekend!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

New Tricks

So the girl loves her "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", nothing wrong with that. She only really likes the beginning and the end of the show when they sing and she will stop dead in her tracks, as seen above, and start bouncing. Also note that she has been standing on her own for about a week and she's already cool with only holding on with one hand; I'm not so sure I'm "cool" with it but I guess that's the mom coming out in me.
This is her newest toy, a music table. My friend Amy and I were talking about what our daughters were up too, her daughter Lauren is about 6 weeks older than Katie, and it became abundantly clear in the midst of the conversation that we had no age appropriate toys for Katie; we were letting her pull herself up and play on the coffee table. (I'm a bad Mommy!) So Katie and I made a mad dash for Target and bought this play table and a walk behind toy that converts into a car that she can sit on and push along with her feet. Phew, it's hard work keeping that little chicky busy. I think she likes the table, but we will have to wait for the other toy, Daddy is going to put that one together!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Just two pictures of Katie I took this morning, the dress is cute but she really can't get her crawl on so we took it off, oh well it was cute while it lasted!

She did it!!


Kate went to bed at 6:30pm and woke at 5:30am, no midnight fussing at all!! I can't believe it, all that and she cut a tooth yesterday, go figure? It took 9 months for this day so I'm going to enjoy every second, now we work on nap time...............

Monday, August 13, 2007

Crying It Out....

Let me begin by saying that the "crying it out" method seems to be working, but it is in no way for the weak at heart.

Saturday night Katie went to bed around 6:45pm, she would have gone to bed earlier but she threw up as Nat was giving her a bottle. Lovely. She dumped all of her cereal, yogurt and bottle on herself and Nat and was so tired that she barely could eat any more; she basically fell asleep with a bottle in her mouth. What a great way to start an evening.

At 10:30pm Katie woke up and promptly began screaming her face off, it was horrible. Nat took a blanket and moved into the upstairs playroom which is next to Katie bedroom so we could turn the monitor off and maybe I could sleep. Not even close. She was belting it out and I was getting nauseous, I had to turn on the TV to drown her out and that didn't work so well. After about 30 minutes Nat came back into our bedroom and I could tell he didn't enjoy this anymore than I did, we both hated listening to her scream and decided that the next morning we were going out and buying a video monitor so we could at least see her and know that she was ok.

By about 11:15am she was calming down and so were we, although neither of us could sleep. We just kind of sat there talking about how many naps and Aleve we would have to take in order to survive the next day. By about midnight I think everybody in the house was back to sleep but Katie was back awake around 4:30am and I didn't have the heart to listen to her freak out again so I went in and got her. Sunday was a long day, Nat slept in a bit (until about 6:30am) and I did get a nap. (Don't ask how many Aleve we took?!)

Sunday afternoon we went to Target and bought a video monitor and Nat came home and set it up immediatly.

Last night Katie went to bed, with a full stomach, and slept until exactly 2am. She was up for about 45 minutes, but insted of screaming she fidgeted around her crib. She turned her mobile on and I thought she fell asleep to the music, but when I went over to her room to put a blanket on her she was making noises again so I quickly aborted my mission. Watching her was funny, I kept calling it Katie TV; she would crawl from one end of the crib to the other, stand up and bounce around and then colapse with her thumb in her mouth. By 3am she was back to sleep with little fanfare, I think Nat even fell asleep before she did.

At 5:05am she woke up again and although I was happy it wasn't 4:30am I was still really tired from the past two nights of craziness. I went over to her room to get her up and as I turned the doornob I noticed that it was quiet so I scurried back to our bedroom and turned on the video monitor and lo and behold she was back to sleep. YAY! I crawled back in bed and Katie slept until 6:15am and man did I need that.

It's now 7:30am and we are watching Playhouse Disney and she is playing with a wooden spoon and kicking the recliner. What a nut. Well that is the "crying it out" report from here. We are moving in a positive direction, I think, but it is not easy or fun. I really hope she starts sleeping through the night very soon, for all three of our sakes, but in the meantime she is getting faster, stronger and bigger every day and I LOVE her. Ok she's trying to climb her jumperoo, gotta go.....

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Fun Saturday Morning

This was a banner morning for the Burt's, Katie made it through til' morning without an overnight visit from Mom or Dad!! YAY!! Now before we go celebrating Katie's new found sleeping ability let me just add that we had to listen to her cry it out for about 45 minutes at 2:15am before she fell back to sleep, then the cat had a cry it out session around 4am. All in all not bad, pathetic that it isn't bad, but we have learned to live on little sleep. I'll let you all know how she does tonight, now that she's mobile it's a whole new ballgame and we don't know any of the rules.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Babysitting Ben....

Today Katie, my Mom and I played with our friend Ben Sheets, isn't he adorable! Luckily he is in a "Bob The Builder" stage because we have a ton of construction going on in our neighborhood and man did he love it. Too bad it was stinking hot outside and Suzi couldn't hang too long.

Just A Funny

Everyone in the family comments on how Katie and her Dad have the same facial expressions so I thought this picture might help prove our point. Strange, eh?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

9 Months Old!!

I almost can't believe it myself, she is 9 months old!! How fast time flies. We had her 9 month checkup this morning and she weighed in at 19 lbs. 3.5 oz. and measured 28.5 inches tall. (50th percentile for weight and just abover 75th for height) Just to put everything in to perspective she was 4 lbs. 6 oz. and birth and 18 inches tall, not even near the growth charts, not even close. So our little miracle continues to grow and learn on schedule, what a blessing. Now if she could just learn to sleep..................

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Finally, pictures!!!

We are all moved in and mostly unpacked, but still no camera cord. Nat had to run out and buy a new converter drive for me in part because the cord is still missing and secondly because I kept bugging him about it! Katie is on the move, literaly, beginning to crawl, pull up on furniture and roll from one end of the room to another. She is also working on a tooth and it is bugging the crap out of her. She turns 9 months old on Wednesday so she will be visiting the doctor for a check-up and a shot. (Yes, only one!)
My parents had been on vacation for the whole moving period, you heard that correctly they left me for 3 weeks, and returned last Sunday. This is the kilt they bought for Katie in Scotland, how cute. It's a size 2 so we hope it will fit sometime this spring.

More Katie....

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Sorry no pictures.....

We are all moved in!!!

We love the house, it's nice and big and for once we don't have to listen to an adjoining neighbor running up and down the stairs. The cat seems to have great hiding places because we can never find her during the day, it's about midnight before she feels the need to make her presence known. (We are ready to lock her in the basement!!) Katie has adjusted pretty well to the move, she's been taking two good naps in her crib during the day and is asleep around 6:30pm at night. Sure she's still getting up at 5:30am and also around 1am to eat, but around here that's still good. We are still working on locating the cord that connects the camera to the computer, it's probably in a box labeled "Misc." so we won't find it for a while, but I'll keep looking. Ok well I will pass some new house and Katie pictures on as soon as I find the camera cord, until then picture a happy family living with tons of boxes!!! LOVE, SUZI