Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nat's Company Picnic (and Tripp)

This picture has nothing to do with the rest of the blog, but I took it last night when Liz and Tripp came over for dinner and I had to post it...............isn't he adorable!
Okay, on with the rest of the post. Today was Nat's annual company picnic and although we thought it might rain, it turned out to be a nice, cool day. The only hitch in our day was finding out upon arrival to the picnic that Nat had forgotten to bring shoes along for Katie. Now I know what you're thinking, why place the blame on Nat? Well when we left the house Nat had Katie in one hand and her shoes in the other, I had my camera, her juice, diapers, snacks, books and her blanket; basically I had enough in my hands and assumed that the shoes made it (while in his hands) from the hallway to the car. I was wrong!

Long, funny, story short we had to make a u-turn upon arriving at the picnic and head for the nearest Target and buy some new sneakers, then head back to the picnic. Let's just say it made for a funny story all afternoon!
Katie getting her face painted.
Her beautiful rainbow that she picked out.
Coming down the slide.
While the adults and big kids played a balloon toss game Katie and her new friend Rachel decided to try too!
Yep, that's Katie swinging from the monkey bars! She saw the bigger kids do it and just went for it, this kid has no fear!
Being cute!
Getting ready to go home, she looks mad, but really she was just tired. She fell asleep about five minutes after this picture was taken. A fun day for the whole family! YAY!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy BIrthday Pop and other things!

Tomorrow is my father's birthday, but we celebrated it this past Sunday over at their house. Katie was in rare form, as you can see in the picture above, and has been in a silly mode lately (making up words and songs that nobody can understand and laughing at them!)
A cute picture of Katie and her Pop.
Helping Pop blow out the candles on his cake, she keeps telling everybody that her birthday is next!
Yes that would be my daughter eating ice cream with her hands, ugh we really need to work on this utensil thing!
Nice form, hardly a mess at all?!
This would be the picture of Katie after she got into my makeup and gave herself some new "lips". She really didn't do too badly, but the top lip makes me laugh because she perfectly outlined the lip without getting any on the lip itself!
Katie's cute new outfit that she wore to school today. She's in a weird size right now and the only thing that seems to fit her, pants wise, are Carter's size 3T elastic waist pants? Everyone else's 3T pants are too small and 4T pants are huge.....I get that no one really needed any of that information, but I just thought I would pass it along anyhow!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Maddux!

Another birthday here in the neighborhood, Maddux is turning 2 this week! Ugh, these kids are growing up way too fast, I can hardly believe that Katie will be 3 in less than two months. All of the emotion aside, it was a beautiful day for a party and the kids and adults had a blast; Happy Birthday Maddux!!
Katie and Maddux playing with the, hummm.... what are those called? You know, you blow into them and they roll out, jeez I really can't remember what they are called?!
Sweet baby Dylan.
Maddux switching fireman hats with his Great-Uncle Steve.
Maddux and Chase playing with some toys.
Firetruck cake, with cream cheese frosting, delicious!
Katie coming out of the bounce house.
Maddux on the way down.
Hanging out of the playhouse, look at that hair!
Maddux patiently waiting for his cake.
Opening a present.
Katie enjoying some cake, yes she ate with her fingers, we are working on that!
Maddux playing with one of his gifts, pieces of tubes that you can put together in different shapes, Katie and Maddux made musical instruments.
The three musketeers.
Nat helping Maddux with his new bike, it has no peddles and is designed to teach kids how to balance so when they do learn to peddle they have the balance thing all figured out!
Chase giving me a smile!
Another super cute picture of Chase, he was being a little ham for me so I just kept snapping away!

Fun at the Fair!

This week was the annual York Fair and we really weren't planning on going, but Friday they had Preschool Day and Katie and I got in for free and then she could ride all of the rides from 10am-4pm for only $8, basically I couldn't say no!
Katie running through an obstacle course.
Katie and Maddux on a NASCAR ride, this was the favorite ride of the day!
On a different car ride, look at cutie Maddux, adorable.
Katie on the swings, these were the kids sized swing so they really weren't that high in the air...oh and Katie's the one with the pink sneakers.......she loves the scary rides!
Up close Katie and Maddux, sorry about the chopped off heads!
Katie tossing some bean bags into a cow, she's become quite fond of bean bag game lately!
Katie taking a peek at the gerbil Maddux and Sheri were holding. I didn't get too many pictures inside the petting zoo, but Katie wasn't too fond of touching any of the animals. We did hold a kitten, but she petted it twice and then asked me to put it away. Oh well, we aren't a big pet family anyhow!

Making Cupcakes!

Okay, so the pictures are completely out of order, but I think you get the idea here; Katie and I made cupcakes and she did a good bit of the work. We were at Target when she saw the icing with sprinkles, or sparkles (Katie speak), and asked if we could make cupcakes. Of course I bought them, how could I turn down a request to make cupcakes with my 2-year old.......that would be nuts!!
Her first taste, yummy!
She basically eats the icing off of the cupcake and leaves the actual cake behind, smart girl!
Katie pouring the oil.
Stirring the batter.
Giving me a big smile.
Filling the cupcake liners..........overall a job well done, and surprisingly little mess!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Having too much fun!

So today after school Katie asked to dress up like a princess and luckily for us we had some cool dress up duds from Mrs. Solymos (they were a present from Katie's baby shower!). She had a lot of fun dancing and running around in her costume but after about 20 minutes she asked me to take it off. When I tried to put her clothing back on she said "No Mommy, I want to be noodles" other words, in the buff!! Wait until you see the look!
Another cute dress picture.
The full dress view, pretty cute!
The "noodles" picture, nothing better than knee-high socks, mary janes and bloomers!
After nap Katie wanted to go outside, with her blanket. We can't explain what this new fascination with her blankie is about, but she wants to take it EVERYWHERE!
A cute picture.
Extreme closeup, with a smile.
Katie also likes pretend she's sleeping, that's weird huh?
Another pretend sleeping funny!