Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Sorry, no pictures today, Nat packed the cord that plugs the camera into the computer so who knows where it is right now; we have a lot of "junk" boxes! I just wanted to let you all know that moving day is Thursday, Friday we sell this place and buy the new place and Saturday is when everything gets delivered; needless to say I will be out of touch for a few days and will be sore from moving for another few days. We are changing phone numbers so if you didn't get the new digits let me know and I will send it to you. Also I was fooling around with the format of this blog and I think you can now comment on posts, without registering (what a pain), by clicking on the envelope logo underneath each post. Try it out, I'm too lazy to see if I did it correctly; maybe later! Ok well that's it from Jacobus, next post will be from our brand new digs. Send good vibes my way, moving is never fun and it's extra awesome when you do it with an 8 month old baby while your parents are in Greece, I'll get them back later..................Have a good week!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Almost Done!!!

Well here she is, the new house is almost done. They laid down the sod yesterday and planted some trees and shrubery (is that the right spelling?). In one week we will be the proud owners and I for one can't wait to get there!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Crawling progress??

Ok, so she's cute in the first picture but check out her lack of skill in the next two shots. I don't know if she's getting this crawling thing at all, in fact she looks pretty darn confused about the whole thing in the last picture. Recognize that face (NAT)!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Swimming at the Lauer's

My little swimmer!! Everytime my friend Amy's parents go on vacation they give us free reign of their pool, not like we couldn't pop in whenever we wanted any other time, but we take them up on it because we have a little fish baby. This Saturday evening we took a little dip before dinner time and went sans bathing suit because we are lazy and naked babies are cuter. She LOVED it and was yawning while swimming and didn't want to leave. We LOVE the Lauer's, not just because they have a pool, but because they love us and they have a pool. There is a difference!!
Look at her go, where are the 2024 Olympics?

More Feet..........

We still don't understand why she likes to gnaw on feet...........

Friday, July 13, 2007

Two More Cute Katie.

I just thought these were too cute so I had to share!!
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Thursday, July 12, 2007

New Accessories!

I just thought these were too cute!!! I found little barettes for Katie's hair and so far they are staying in, they're so tiny it's almost hard to manipulate them. Anyhow we are in heavy packing mode so there might be some lags in picture posting, I'll try to keep on top of it. Oh and Katie turned 8 months old this past Sunday, she was 18 lbs. 1.5 oz. and 27 inches (that's my measurements so give or take on that). Hope everyone is having a good week!!!
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Saturday, July 07, 2007

She Likes Ice Cream.......

Today was Nat's company picnic and Aunt Shannon decided that she would see if Katie liked her ice cream; ummm, yea she did! That's my girl!!

Vertical Katie!

Today Katie sat up on her own for the first time!! It came as a bit of a shock since Nat and I layed her on her back on her play mat and turned around and she was sitting. Hum... Pretty cool! She still is working on crawling, but her new favorite things are rolling across the room and standing in front of the coffee table. She LOVES standing. As long as she is propped against something she will stand forever but the second she decides she's done you better be there to catch her because she goes straight down.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Jacobus Parade

This was our entry, look at all of the lovely patriotic decor. Did we win, NO!! We were robbed by a cute little girl in a motorized Jeep, she was really cute(dang it) and had blonde ringlets, so I didn't feel too badly!! Katie enjoyed looking at all of the other kids and the flags and streamers blowing in the wind, really all of the kids had fun and all looked cute, but we of course had the superstar!!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July everybody!! I hope you all have a great day stuffing yourselves with hog dogs and washing it down with fireworks! God Bless America!!!