Monday, January 29, 2007

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday Chillin

Still working on catching that smile....

Friday, January 26, 2007

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Here is my big girl, all 9 pounds 8 ounces of her. She is now 11 weeks old and growing like a weed and changing every day. She is starting to smile at me more throughout the day, we play a little game with her pacifier and that seems to make her smile, also when I give her kisses while making fish lips. Trying to catch the smiles with the camera is hard so this is the best I can do for now, I'll keep working on it!!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Reading the paper with daddy...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Sleeping Baby

This is how Nat always ends up sleeping with Katie, she starts out on his chest and ends up sliding on down to where her head is on his hip bone.
Me and Katie, she stays up on my chest, maybe it's because I have something holding her up there?! At last evenings weigh-in she offically exceeded 9 lbs. at a heafty 9 lbs. 1 oz. She is beginning to fill into her 0-3 month clothing and although she still fits into most of her newborn outfits when she gets a full body stretch going her long legs really test the strength of the cotton holding it all together. I guess it's time to retire the newborn stuff; she is almost 11 weeks old after all! Well Nat is giving Katie her last bottle of the night, it's 11pm, so I am going to get ready for bed and another long night with my baby.......(still not sleeping longer than 3.5 hours at a time??) Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

My Big Girl

Last night with Grandma and Grandpa Burt as witnesses I was 8 lb. 15 oz., almost a 9 pound baby. I now understand how I broke my mothers tail bone when she delivered me, I was 9 lbs. 5 oz. at birth, and Katie is weighing me down. It's funny where she is gaining weight too, she has multiple chins and sausage fingers but her pants are still too big, so no budda belly just yet.
Also Katie has just begun smiling at me, last night she did it once and so far today she has smiled at me four times. The catch with the smiling is to get her attention as soon as she wakes up but before she realizes that she's hungry, at that point she just gets ticked that there isn't a bottle in her face. Finicky little lady.
This is Katie's prefered method of sitting with me, cradled between my crossed legs. In this picture she is watching "Murder She Wrote", I think she likes to see all of the colors change on the TV. In my own defense I don't stick her in front of the TV all day, but when she is going crazy it does seem to calm her down momentarily, enough that she will then get down on the floor and play with me. (She can now do push ups during tummy time, strong little bugger!!)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Random Katie

Katie is finally starting to understand and focus on things, like the fish on her bouncer.
I guess sometimes the giggle bug isn't her best friend.
Yes, Katie likes to watch TV, well at least football!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Crazy Katie....

We have had another crazy week here with Katie, poor thing can't seem to stay healthy. Starting last Monday Katie was having some problems breathing, she was really stuffed up and was actually coughing herself awake. I tried to get the junk out of her nose with the aspirator but I couldn't seem to reach it. Finally Thursday morning I had heard enough and took her into the doctors office, yes they all know us already, and although she had no temperature and her ears and lungs were clear Katie's doctor thought it would be best if we went up to the hospital to get mucus vacuumed out of her nose and tested for RSV and pertussis (whooping cough). So once again we made the trek into York Hospital, but this time it was a short trip with good news, no RSV, no pertussis. YAY!! They did suck out a good amount of mucus and even though she didn't like the procedure itself she fell asleep about 10 minutes later most likely because she could breathe. Today she seems to be doing better, still stuffy, but sleeping better and even having some energy to play. We have to stay vigilant with her health, especially now that winter might actually pay us a visit. Hospital stays are common when preemies and newborn babies contract RSV and even though she tested negative her doctor is still worried because whatever she does have has weakened her immune system making her more vulnerable to pick up RSV. It's always something. Ok well have a good week, I'll keep posting pictures......

Tummy Time

Friday, January 12, 2007

This Week In Katie

Katie and I were playing today and she really took to her lamb rattle that her great-uncle Puddy got for her, I guess because it was soft she tried her hardest to hold on (and suck on it!!).
This is that happens when she loses her grip; Mr. Lamb and giggle bug bite the dust. Her lack of control over her hands made her drop the rattle and then in her anger her arms went crazy and knocked over the giggle bug. It was total chaos!
This is how the craziness of the morning ended, one exhausted chicka! Enjoy your weekend, we will.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Katie at 2 Months

This is Katie's new toy called a "giggle bug". When you press it's pink foot it plays the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" while a baby laughs in the background. It seems to keep her interest so far, but no laughter yet....
The other toy here is the "musical inchworm". Each part of his body makes a different noise, rattle, squeak, etc. She likes looking at him because of all of the colors but so far she likes the giggle bug more.

Katie at 2 Months (pt. 2)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Good Morning!

I took these pictures this morning while she was lying in my bed waiting for the bottle warmer to finish it's job. She was wide awake so I starting snapping away....
I just wanted one picture of her chubby legs and she likes to roll from side to side so I had to keep her still with my size 11's.
That's my baby!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Random Pictures


Katie attempted some "tummy time" on Wednesday with Aunt Sarah here to help. I'm not really sure she understands what she is supposed to do, but we put some toys around her so when she felt like quitting she had something to look at. She does do pretty well pushing herself up, all 8 pounds of her!
This is the aftermath of all that hard work. Daddy comes home and she zonks out on his chest. I guess it's hard work growing as fast as she has, plus evil me I make her work out!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

More Pictures

My dad rocking Katie on Christmas Day....
Sleeping baby.....
How Cute!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

This is how you celebrate the new year when you have a 7 week old baby! Unfortunately neither Nat, Katie or I made it past 10:30pm; the picture is from 8:45am. Everybody sleeping!