Saturday, January 30, 2010

New and EXCITING!!

Last night Nat and his father toiled away for two hours so that Katie could have her new bunk beds!! (They came in one giant 100 lb. box) She LOVES them! Katie has already figured out how to get up to the top bunk, but not how to get down so that's the only issue we have had.
A different view, with her Sheriff Woody and baby Julia dolls at the head of the bed and Bessie and bear-bear at the foot of the bed. Oh and you can't see them well, but she also has new Princess and the Frog sheets, we are in major Princess Tiana mode here!
Tripp came over to check out Katie's bunk beds and fell for baby Juila!
Tonight was the Father/Daughter Dance up at the Club. Katie was so excited to dance with her Daddy and "no Mommy's allowed".
A close up of her, yes she was biting her tounge!
Katie and her Daddy...........they had a blast!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ballet Class!!

Today was Katie's first official ballet class at the Jewish Community Center here in York. There were 11 3-year-olds (aaaahhhh) in the class and with the exception of one little girl who cried the entire half-hour, the girls all had a lot of fun!

(Please excuse the quality of the first three pictures, the Mom's were all banned from the room so we were taking pictures through a little side window on the opposite end of the room)
The girls pretending to be caterpillar.
Hopping up and down.
Katie and her friend Mya after class.
Yay, she loved it!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fort Time!

What do you do when it's 33 degrees outside and you are bored out of your mind? Build a fort in our family room!!
Liking the fort!
Pretending to be a lion.
We eventually had to move her "snuggle bed", an inflatable mattress with a sleeping bag attached, under the tent.

The Baltimore Aquarium

This year Nat's parents got us an awesome Christmas present, an annual pass to the Baltimore Aquarium! With me getting sick and Katie potty training we really hadn't had time to use it until this week, fortunately we picked a great day for a visit and we had a TON of fun!
Katie in front of the "big fish", which she keeps telling everyone was my favorite part of the trip.
Awaiting the Dolphin Show at the aquarium, thank goodness I had a coloring book in my purse!
Watching the dolphins, her favorite.
Happy to see some dolphins.
Katie kept asking me when it would be her turn to get in and swim with the dolphins?
Her favorite moment, luckily I saw them lowering the ball from the ceiling so I knew when to take the picture............she keeps looking at it!
Katie in front of one of the Jellies tanks, the traveling exhibit right now is all about Jellyfish, very cool! Thanks again Grandma and Grandpa Burt, we are going to use the heck out of this pass!!

Happy Birthday Cooper!

On Tuesday we went to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate Katie's classmate Cooper's birthday, his 3rd. The kids all love Chuck E Cheese, it's so funny to watch them all scatter in different directions when they walk in. Above is a picture of Katie and Cooper dancing to the little show in the eating area.
Katie on a ride with Chuck E Cheese.
Another ride.
Katie attempting to play skee-ball, as you might be able to tell from the picture she just throws the ball as hard as she can up the ramp, most of the time it doesn't make it!
Cooper's birthday cake that his mother made, we were all overly impressed!
All of the kids waiting for their pizza, poor little Mya is somewhere behind Cooper's head (you can see her little white bow).
The birthday boy eating a piece of his birthday cake while watching a birthday message from Chuck E Cheeze.
Katie giving Chuck a squeeze.
One happy kid!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Meet the Pets!

We promised Katie that when she was potty trained we would reward her with a pet fish and sure enough after tackling the potty, she wanted that fish! This past Saturday we took Katie to get her new pet fish and couldn't come home with only one lonely friend, so we bought three. Nemo, Dory and Marlin made it from the store to the house but unfortunately Dory didn't make it from the bag to the aquarium, it happens.
She is very excited every morning to feed her fish, sometimes a little too eager and feeds them more than a pinch. Right now we are keeping the fish in the kitchen but when Nat is sure that these fish are going to live, he isn't convinced, we will move the tank up to Katie's room.
Cute little set up, hope they make it!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Taking advantage of the weather.

This afternoon Katie decided to try out her new plasma car that Nat had gotten her for Christmas. The car moves forward by turning the handle bars back and forth, it's great and it's kid powered! Her favorite route, in the neighborhood, is starting in front of our house and heading down the sidewalk toward the cul-de-sac, which is all down hill. She tucks her legs underneath the car and takes off! Nat and I both realized after doing this a few times that we were negligent parents for not putting her helmet on, so please ignore our lack of safety precautions in this batch of pictures. We promise to have the helmet on next time!
Using her feet to move the car, uphill it's hard to move forward using just the handles.
Heading downhill.
Look how happy she is; I still don't know how Nat and I produced a little dare devil?
Nat running along side of her, he was a little nervous at the sight of her flying down the hill!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Getting ready to dance....

Today while Katie was at school I went to the Jewish Community Center and signed her up for ballet! I can't believe she's finally old enough to take ballet, it seems like age 3 is the universal age requirement to participate in any sport or activity. Luckily Katie has a really good friend from school, Mya, who will be taking ballet with her; I would like to think that having a buddy will make it more fun and less scary.

After signing her up for the class I drove out to the eastern end of the county to the East Prospect Outlet to buy Katie some ballet outfits. I told her where I was going and she had only two requirements, no black leotards and she had to have pink shoes. That being said she ended up with one pink and one purple leotard a cute little skirt that matches both the pink and purple and pink ballet shoes (she had them on before I got the camera out).

Another thing that you might notice is that Katie's hair is a bit shorter, about 5 inches shorter. Yesterday while I was washing her hair she was fussier than usual about me working through her knots, something I have to do regularly, so mid-struggle I decided it was off with her hair! I pulled out an old tablecloth, grabbed a lollipop, scissors and a comb and 10 minutes later we have no knots and a cute little bob!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What we have been up to......

It's been almost three weeks, but I am finally starting to feel better! What started out as a sinus infection, ended up turning itself into pneumonia and it wiped me out. Luckily Katie has been preoccupied with some Christmas presents and hasn't seemed to notice that I'm not moving around too much. Above is her on her bouncing ball, I really don't know what to call it, but she loves bouncing around the first floor!
A big smile.
Her major love right now is Candy Land, I'm not kidding when I say we probably play it a dozen times a day and have resorted to rationing out the times allowed to play. (We just finished playing three games.)
Katie moving her guy.
Her other favorite right now are the princess shoes my cousin Allison got for her, she walks or rather sashays around the house, clunking around as she goes. The shoes came in a four-pack and the pink furry ones are by far her favorites!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Look Ma, NO DIAPERS!!!

Here are some pictures from today, Katie modelling her new big girl underpants!! She is doing great with going potty, in fact I think waiting was actually a blessing in disguise, we have only had one accident this week at it was at school! She started full time potty training January 2nd, since Nat and I were both home we just decided to go for it and she was so proud of herself that it has just been easy. Enjoy the pictures of the new, upgraded Katie!
The fierce look.........grrrr.
Showing that some models do eat!!
Big hazel eyes, just like her father.
Sure she had half of a piece of pizza shoved in there, but it's a smile!