Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dancing to Christmas Music...

So here are some pictures of our little dance recital tonight. We got the tree up today, you can do that when you have an artificial one, so to continue with the holiday spirit we turned on the all Christmas music channel and Katie danced her little heart out! It was hilarious, I have video that I'll try to post later; Nat is convinced she is going to get sick from all of the spinning....
Nat and Katie dancing.

Posing for a picture but someone had itchy eye!
Falling over from spining.
Being cheezy.
She even thought she was funny.
Laughing at Daddy laughing at her.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I hope everybody had a happy and safe Thanksgiving Day!! We had fun, as usual, down at my Mom's cousin Judy's horse farm. It was the perfect day to spend outside looking at the horses, which we spent the whole car trip down to Stewartstown talking about, only to find out that the horses were in their stables about a mile away from the house! So we went on a kitty hunt, only to find one that was scared of us....we didn't have much luck with animals. We still enjoyed the outdoors with Katie's cousins and hope that the next time we head down we will see some outdoor animals! 
Nat and Katie.
Katie playing cars with my Dad's brother, my uncle Tom.
Grammy and Tripp, in his Turkey Day best!
Emma and Katie heading into the barn to find kitty cats while Mary and Sarah go hunt around the house.
Katie on the fence.
Trying to figure out the fence.
She was very jealous of her cousin Emma for being able to climb through the fence.
My family has been on this same plot of land in Stewartstown since 1774. I think it's beautiful.
Nat and Katie heading back toward the barn, kitty hunt offically over.
I was offically trying to keep Katie from falling asleep in the car on the way home, it was about an hour past her bedtime and I needed her to just hang on for another 10 minutes until we hit the crib......we made it and now she is fast asleep, dreaming of the hunt!

Katie and the punch balloon...

We put these punch balloons in her birthday favor bags and she goes CRAZY playing with them, luckily I was able to grab the camera for a little of it!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hanging at Grammy and Pop's House

Today Katie and I, along with Liz and Tripp, went over to Grammy and Pop's house to watch Grammy make a dozen pumpkin pies....yes she made a dozen. Of course we didn't help at all, in fact we most likely hindered the process in some way, but I did get a little snuggle time in with the two cutiest kids ever, so I had a great day!!
Katie and Grammy playing.
Don't know what she was doing, I just thought the picture was good.
Caught a cute one!
Grammy gave Katie some extra pie crust to play with so she was finding different things to imprint into the crust, like chapstick?!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The things we do for them.....

Just so you all can appreciate how cold it was at 8am this morning when we took the kids outside to play, the temperature on our outdoor thermometer said 22 and the wind was gusting up to 15 mph and the sun wasn't hitting our backyard was FREEZING!!! (the picture above is of Katie on her bottom after hitting some ice on our patio, everything was still frozen.)I'm getting cold just thinking about it now, in fact I'm ready to say that we are totally nuts, although as you can see there were two little people that really seemed to have fun (and four big people that did too!!)
Checking out the scene, with her ball in hand!
Maddux walking in snow for the first time, it was fun and a bit confusing!
Together, looking somewhat at the camera, and no one is crying....getting better!
Don't know what Nat was so popular?
Katie busting a move.
Sheri joining in, sorry Sheri!
He LOVES the cold!
Scott and Katie throwing snow at each other....check out Maddux trying to figure out how to get in on the action.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The First Snow of the Season

This morning Katie and I awoke to a beautiful blanket of freshly fallen snow and of course she immediatly said "Mommy side"....meaning let's go outside. Like any good Mom I made her wait until 8am, just in case there was some screaming and there was, but it went by quickly since we had to figure out our new snowpants and winter coat (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Burt) and basically bundle her up tighter than burrito! Katie had a lot of fun playing in the dusting that we ended up with, she really enjoyed trying to catch the snowflakes on her tounge and walking through everyone's yard, you can see her trails up and down our street!!
Heading out on her adventure.

Trying to catch a snowflake, she wasn't patient enough to see this little game to the end!

She kept trying to catch the darn flakes and finally gave up and started licking her jacket....same result!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hanging with Grammy, Pop, Izzie and Tip...

The first offical picture with both grandchildren, and look Katie is smiling.....she loves Tripp or Tip as she calls him.
Grammy and Tripp

Katie kind of checking out Tripp and Grammy, I thought she would freak when she saw Grammy holding the baby, but she didn't. This parenting thing still confuses me!

Rocking Tripp, he was starting to get a bit hungry.

Katie playing with her toys and Pop. (she loves both!!)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, Monday

We had a nice little Monday here, a slow morning of cartoons and snuggling and an afternoon with Tripp, not to shabby! Here are some pictures of the kids.....enjoy!!
He already grabs on to things he wants, clearly a genius!

Katie likes Tripp's playmat, more than Tripp at this point.

Catching a cheeze.

Giving Tripp a stare.

Showing Tripp where the fishy is.

Just staring.

Her two favorite things, bouncing and Mickey Mouse!