Thursday, May 31, 2007

This Week In Katie!!

Yes Katie is wearing her pants on her head, she keeps getting food on them so we came up with a new solution that we could all live with. She actually thinks it's funny and doesn't mind them being there so we just let it be. She started eating puffed cereal on Wednesday, she played with them more than anything but a few did make it in her mouth and I think two made it to the digestive track. We are on the move here!
The point of this picture is the crazy amount of drool that this child produces, she's a fountain! She is teething in a big way, chewing and biting everything and anything she can get her paws on. I had taken her bib off to take a few pictures and within five minutes the front of her shirt was soaked. Lesson learned, all pictures will now contain a bibbed baby.
Finally we have solitary sitting Katie. Her skills are getting a lot better; sure she still flops over from time to time but I don't have to keep a hand on her back for steadying. (spelling?) She's getting a lot more sturdy on her feet too, she can actually stand on her own for a few seconds. At 16 lbs. she is a lot more solid than I would have guessed, plus she has my giant feet so I guess that helps a bit.

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