Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big guy and crazy girl!

Yep, that's my nephew all 17 lbs. 14 oz. of him!! (Oh and he's 11 weeks old!!) 
Okay, I just had to start this blog off with that picture of Tripp, he'll thank me later!! Today was supposed to be my first day babysitting Tripp, I get him on Wednesday's and Friday's and Liz's mother-in-law Jane has him the other three days, but surprise, surprise we had a little more snow and ice overnight so schools across the county were closed. By 10am it warmed up enough to melt the ice and snow on the road so we treked over to see Izzie, Tripp and Beamer. 
Happy Tripp playing with the animals on his bouncey seat.
Just hanging.
Katie is very thankful that her Uncle Doug keeps the birdfeeders well stocked, she's turning into a bird nut!
She loves Tripp's camo pacifier and yes we sanitize it when she's done.
He's finding his thumb!!
We always have fun with Izzie, Tripp and Beamer!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Playing in the snow.....

Today we had a little bit of snow, not much more than an inch, but enough for us to want to get out and play! Nat is working down in DC tonight so we decided to share our fun of the outdoors with my parents. Katie really enjoyed shovelling with my Mom and Dad, she walked with her hand on the shovel up and down the sidewalk for about 10 minutes. After that chore was finished she decided to take us on a walk around the neighborhood, which ended up being a 30 minute tour of the best mailboxes in Chestnut Run, which she kept calling "Toolboxes". Oh that Katie!
Helping Grammy shovel.
Checking out the scenery.

Helping Pop at the end of the sidewalk.
Trying to catch some snowflakes.
Rosey cheeks.
About to begin our epic journey!!
Katie and Grammy having a discussion while Katie is on the potty, this picture is just for Aunt Christy!! (she likes the potty pictures!!)

Saturday, January 24, 2009


This afternoon, after spending the morning painting (more on that tomorrow), we hopped on to route 30 and pointed the car East toward Aunt Christy and Uncle Jarrett's new house.  We have been meaning to visit for over a month but with me being sick and then the cruddy weather we just were never able to get there. It wasn't a long trip to Downingtown, about an hour and a half, and Katie even took a little snooze on the way there. Here are a few pictures, of course there are none of Christy or Jarrett, only of their new kitty Finn, Katie's new BFF!
Aunt Christy and Uncle Jarrett gave Katie her Valentine's Day gift a bit early, she loves her big Minney Mouse!!
She and Finn sharing a moment.
Trying to get them both to pose.
Katie is convinced that fireplaces are all aquariums that are missing fish, yes she actually runs over to them and looks for fishies. I think she was trying to bring Finn in on the conspiracy!
Playing with Finn, they both really enjoyed all of the activity.
Mr. Finn.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day FUN!!!!

Today my next door neighbor Sheri and I decided to throw and Inauguration Party for the kids, the 2 and under crowd needs to celebrate too! Originally we were going to have the party here but then Sheri offered and she has a finished basement with a bouncer, so she won hands down! We began the party at 11am, while the kids were all awake and ready to eat some food and boy did they have fun!! 
Maddux taking a break from watching the motorcade arrive for the swearing in ceremony.
Maddux offering Katie a cracker while in the bounce house, she didn't take it!!
Katie waiting for "Obama", yes she can say it and she knows who he is. She even asked to watch him when she woke up from her nap!!  She came over to me with the remote and said "Bama on now".
Sheri's strawberry, blueberry, yogurt, granola and angel cake trifle. It was GOOD!!!
Mr. Chase giving me a stare.
Izzie and Tripp.
Tripp giving me some love.
Tyler and his mom Kelly in the bouncer!!
Static hair Katie, I had a bow in but after about two seconds of bouncing it was out and on the floor!
Coming down the slide on her back and upside down.
She loves to bounce!
Katie and Tyler playing with their red, white and blue beads.
Just happy!
Okay so I tickle her a bit, she loves it and so do I......look at that face!!!

Katie found Maddux's Elmo and wouldn't let the thing so, she took him into the bouncer, up the stairs and even would move around the room with him so Maddux wouldn't try to take him!! 
Maddux and Chase playing in the bouncer.
Look at that sweet face, yay Maddux!!

Dancing Around.....

Katie and Nat posing for a pre-dance picture.
Katie loved being dipped, "again" she said over and over.....
Trying to pose again......
Throwing Katie up in the air.
Doing some hand dancing when her body gave out!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Another Cold,Cold Day!!!

Today the high temperature outside is a balmy 15 degrees so we have yet to remove our pajamas and we have company!! Yesterday, when it got up to 22, I made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and this morning I made blueberry muffins; I guess cold weather brings out the baker in me? Here are some pictures from the day so far and our visitors Aunt Izzie and Tripp......he's getting bigger!!
Laughing as her blocks come tumbling down around her.
She doesn't yet get the idea of building on a solid surface, she can only stack about 4 or 5 blocks before they all come crashing down.
Katie holding Tripp's hand.
Katie tickling Tripp, she was trying to lift his shirt to get to his belly.
There's his mouth.
My little nephew.
Tummy time, is that a party face or what?
This is Katie's new phase, she wants everyone to do different dance movements along with her, she will put her hands up and go around the room as ask everyone, by name, to do what she's doing...........she's a bit controlling!!