Yep, that's my nephew all 17 lbs. 14 oz. of him!! (Oh and he's 11 weeks old!!)
Okay, I just had to start this blog off with that picture of Tripp, he'll thank me later!! Today was supposed to be my first day babysitting Tripp, I get him on Wednesday's and Friday's and Liz's mother-in-law Jane has him the other three days, but surprise, surprise we had a little more snow and ice overnight so schools across the county were closed. By 10am it warmed up enough to melt the ice and snow on the road so we treked over to see Izzie, Tripp and Beamer.
Happy Tripp playing with the animals on his bouncey seat.
Just hanging.
Katie is very thankful that her Uncle Doug keeps the birdfeeders well stocked, she's turning into a bird nut!
She loves Tripp's camo pacifier and yes we sanitize it when she's done.
He's finding his thumb!!
We always have fun with Izzie, Tripp and Beamer!!