Friday, June 09, 2006

A Big Scare!

Sorry it's been a long time since I last spoke to many of you, we have had a small hiccup on my bumpy road to motherhood but now, at last, I think things are moving in the right direction again. Whew.

This past Saturday night at around 10pm I began bleeding, heavily and for no apparent reason. It was really scary and Nat and I were both understandable terrified so we made a bee-line for the hospital. The emergency room on a Saturday night is not fun, it wasn't full, but we had to wait over an hour for a room. I guess you could say we were lucky to get a room and not a bed with drapes pulled around it in the middle of the room, but we got one with a bathroom and a door!

The nurse came in right away and started me on an IV drip and a doctor closely followed with a ultrasound machine to check things out. Right away I saw the baby, I didn't know if I should be relieved or upset that I had to see this, but there it was so they decided I should get a better ultrasound to check things out. After about another hour I was wheeled over to another part of the hospital for a much better ultrasound and to me it was clear that the baby was doing just fine and everything looked A-OK.

Of course I was still bleeding and not having a medical degree hinders a little in the diagnosis stage so Nat and I were wheeled back to our room and told a doctor would go over all of the ultrasound pictures and let us know what was going on. After nodding off a few times and trying to hold a conversation while sleep deprived the doctor finally came in the room with the diagnosis, I had a subchorionic hemorrhage. A what?!

A subchorionic hemorrhage is when a sac of fluid that had been developing along side of the embryonic sac decides to rupture and some or all of that fluid leaks out. After visits to the hospital, my doctor and then a visit today at Maternal Fetal Medicine I still only slightly understand what really happened, what I gather is that they aren't very common but they are usually not harmful to the baby.


You can google it if you want, I could go on forever explaining what I think it is, but my answer would probably contain only about 50% fact and the only part I really cared about was the part where they said the baby was fine. The fluid sac is still inside me, I saw it on the ultrasound today, and the doctor said I could possibly have another crazy bleeding episode, but not to worry. (I still will anyhow!)

On a good note my nausea and vomiting marathons are coming to a close and although I'm still unable to eat a lot of foods what I am eating is staying in. Plus today my mother got to come to my ultrasound with me and see her grandchild upclose and personal, we got a great profile shot and the heartrate was 153 which is nice and strong.

Well we are getting some thunder and heavy rain right now so the I'm going to get off of the computer. Talk to you all soon!!!!

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