Friday, May 26, 2006

Getting Bigger!!

Today was our last visit to The Fertility Center, on to our OB/GYN!!!

Everything looked great, baby is starting to look like a baby and while they were doing the ultrasound he/she was moving all over the place. The heartbeat was 162 bpm and the baby is measuring 9weeks 4 days, one day off of the last measurement but baby wasn't fully cooperating by sitting still for the ultrasound tech. My weight has almost stabilized again, I was only down about half a pound since Tuesday, so they were excited about that as well.

On a bad note for me, my miracle drug Zofran ran out today, my insurance will only cover 12 pills a month, so Nat and I are thinking about forking over the $250 it will cost to get 12 more pills. Stupid insurance. The stuff really does seem to work for me though, it knocks me down to getting sick only once or twice a day, which beats the 5 times I got sick yesterday when I decided to test the water without the drugs. Yuck!

Well today is Nat and my 5th wedding anniversary so I am going to go and spend some quality time with my husband, watching soap operas while he plays video games. That's true love!! I hope you all have a great holiday weekend!

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