Monday, December 04, 2006

Home Alone!!

Today is our first day home alone, just me and Kate. So far we are working through some gas issues so sleeping is optional and sparce and fussing is a very high priority. Nat was planning on going back to work full time this week but last night after some tears of frustration, on my behalf, he has decided to work today, Wednesday and Friday so every other day I can have full time help. I don't know why I thought after 6 days I would be ready and prepared to do this on my own but I made a mistake and thank goodness Nat works for a company that understands that schedules can be broken at times. Well I am going to try and catch a nap while the babe is sleeping. I hope you all like the picture, she flashes the peace sign all of the time, this time was getting out of the bathtub. (She is equally fond of giving me the finger while nursing so I don't have a good read on her yet?!)

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