Friday, December 21, 2007

Crazy Days....

Look at that crazy baby, her hair is all over the place and her big ol' belly is just hangin' out! Sometimes I wonder if she looks like she's well cared for or if people on the street are going to just assume she always looks like a unkempt child! In all honesty we are starting to have issues with nighttime baths, not because she's fighting them but because her hair is coming in so thick and curly that when she wakes up from tossing and turning she looks like a feral animal, wild and crazy!! I guess it's a scheduling issue we will just have to figure out, but the Mohawk look just isn't going to cut it.

I just took this picture about an hour ago while Katie was eating breakfast and I thought it was cute, plus her hair isn't as wild so I had to add it. (I didn't want you to all think that Katie was just going to look nuts all of the time!)

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