Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas (a few days late)

Whew, that was one heck of a Christmas!!!
Katie had so much fun seeing all of her Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins, plus friends that she slept for 13 hours straight Christmas night; all of those new toys tired her out too! Nat and I are of course still trying to find room for all of the new stuff that we have recently acquired but we have been able to calm down enough from the Christmas rush to do home improvement projects like painting the kitchen and installing dimmer switches in the dining room and in the hallway. Oh yeah, we're handy around here!
I hope to get more pictures on the blog later this week, I got a bunch of cute ones! The one and only issue with this week has been Katie's mood, we think she's teething but aren't positive. She has been slightly bi-polar, happy one second, crying for no reason the next. Obviously we are keeping an eye on the situation but from all of the drool and her constant chewing we think we have it pegged. I'll let you know. Talk to you soon!!!

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