Friday, November 21, 2008

The First Snow of the Season

This morning Katie and I awoke to a beautiful blanket of freshly fallen snow and of course she immediatly said "Mommy side"....meaning let's go outside. Like any good Mom I made her wait until 8am, just in case there was some screaming and there was, but it went by quickly since we had to figure out our new snowpants and winter coat (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Burt) and basically bundle her up tighter than burrito! Katie had a lot of fun playing in the dusting that we ended up with, she really enjoyed trying to catch the snowflakes on her tounge and walking through everyone's yard, you can see her trails up and down our street!!
Heading out on her adventure.

Trying to catch a snowflake, she wasn't patient enough to see this little game to the end!

She kept trying to catch the darn flakes and finally gave up and started licking her jacket....same result!

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