Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Party at Red Lion Junior High.

Every year the student council at my Mother's school puts on a little Christmas party for the children and grandchildren of all of the teachers. This is the first year that Katie could make it, year 1 she couldn't leave the house, and year 2 she was in bed at 6:30pm,  this was finally our year!! Enjoy the pictures, sorry there are a million!!
Running up and down the stairs to the stage.
Of course she always finds the cupcakes!
Mom and Tripp.
Hearing a "ho, ho, ho" coming in through the door......
Me and my Katie.
Enjoy the progression of meeting Santa again....first is the fear.
Oh what's this now?
Ok buddy maybe I don't need to lose my mind.
Hummm, that is a pretty red bow.
Ok we can be friends now.
Tripp and Santa.
Aunt Izzie (that's what Katie calls her) and Tripp, he didn't seem to mind Santa!

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