Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Can you feel the love?!

Grammy and Pop are FINALLY back from China! Whew! Here are some pictures of our visit with them the morning after they's gets a little crazy!!
Katie being gentile with Tripp, yeah right?! She really does love him!
See, this is how cute they really are!
Okay so Mom got this Mickey Mouse suit from someone at school because she knew how much Katie loves her Mickey. It says size small, but it is really too big for Katie.......Liz on the other hand thought she could fit into is the result of that poor decision.
Feel free to laugh at her!
Katie swimming in the costume, it really was huge! (Maybe when she's 6 or 7 it will fit?)
Grammy and Katie.
Katie hamming it up for the camera. She's really perfecting that smile.
And finally, and randomly, a crazy Katie covered in macaroni and cheese. What a nut! (I guess the family is full of them!)

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