Saturday, July 03, 2010

Happy 4th of July, well almost!

Today was our neighborhood's annual 4th of July parade, we decided to hold it on the 3rd this year because of the 4th being a Sunday and knowing we would have a low turnout when competing with Church! Enjoy the pictures!
Katie and her Daddy.
Our little family.
Getting ready to go.
Tripp and Katie ready to start the parade.
Trying to wrangle the kids into parade form.
Katie waving good-bye.
The Oosterveen boys.
Chase and Julia, or the back of Julia anyway.
And the bikers are off!
Heading down the street.
The firetruck leading the kids back up the hill.
Nat pulling the kids up the final hill.
So this man, who lives in our neighborhood, was passing out Frizbee's and stickers with the Olympic logo on it, along with USA and a flag. Kristin, who is talking to him in this picture, asked him where he got all of the items and it turns out he is a gold medal winner from the 1948 Olympics in London! How cool is that?! I think Katie and I are going to take a walk down to his house with a Sharpie and have him sign our Frizbee!
He also passed out megaphones, of course for obvious reasons we will be hiding them.
Heather and Julia, beautiful, just like Mommy.
Little Dylan.
Trying to find every last drop of apple cider.
Me and my little guy.
Katie enjoying her annual Spongebob popsicle, thanks to the Chilly Dilly's truck.
Tripp in his adorable outfit.
Katie and Grammy.
Pop and Tripp.
Chase enjoying his popsicle too!
Grammy and her grandbabies.
Tripp enjoying the day!
Getting some cousin love.
Evy, with her arm around Katie, decided to show Katie how to throw ice down the sewer drain. Why? Who knows, but they had fun doing it!

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