Friday, August 06, 2010

Soccer Camp!

This past week Katie attended a one week soccer camp at a local park run by UK Soccer. It's a great program that brings teachers over from the UK, Katie's teacher was from Dublin, to teach kids from 3-18. They run the camps all over York County all summer long and we missed some of the earlier camps so we decided when it came back around Katie would give it a try and surprise, surprise she LOVED it!
Playing the game "grab the penney", a game where the some of the kids are the catchers and others have penney's, or blue mesh jerseys, tucked in the back of their pants and the catchers are trying to yank them out.

I just love this picture, hands on her hips, looking a that kid like "what is your deal"?
Chasing coach Danny.
She got Mya's penney.
Going for the penney.
The penney.
After catching Joseph's penney.
Dribbling with Joseph.
Taking a break.
Coach Becca.
All of the kids waiting for instructions.
Still working on the dribbling.
Katie and Joseph taking a little break.
Katie and Coach Danny.
Playing a game called "Don't wake the sleeping bear". The kids try to sneak up and grab a soccer ball from behind a coach without "waking" the coach.
Katie in a little collision.
Still working on her footwork.
Playing a game like red light/green light, the kids dribble their soccer balls around and the coach will yell a body part and the kids have to stick that part on the ball. This picture is was bellies.
The last drill of the week.
Katie and Joe with their soccer medals. YAY!

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