Friday, May 26, 2006

Getting Bigger!!

Today was our last visit to The Fertility Center, on to our OB/GYN!!!

Everything looked great, baby is starting to look like a baby and while they were doing the ultrasound he/she was moving all over the place. The heartbeat was 162 bpm and the baby is measuring 9weeks 4 days, one day off of the last measurement but baby wasn't fully cooperating by sitting still for the ultrasound tech. My weight has almost stabilized again, I was only down about half a pound since Tuesday, so they were excited about that as well.

On a bad note for me, my miracle drug Zofran ran out today, my insurance will only cover 12 pills a month, so Nat and I are thinking about forking over the $250 it will cost to get 12 more pills. Stupid insurance. The stuff really does seem to work for me though, it knocks me down to getting sick only once or twice a day, which beats the 5 times I got sick yesterday when I decided to test the water without the drugs. Yuck!

Well today is Nat and my 5th wedding anniversary so I am going to go and spend some quality time with my husband, watching soap operas while he plays video games. That's true love!! I hope you all have a great holiday weekend!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I'm IV proof!!

So how many puncture wounds can you find in these pictures?? The last picture actually has two; one is on the wrist one on the hand, to bring the grand total to 6 sticks. Now what, may you ask, causes one to be stuck by a needle 6 times?? Well there is one hole due to blood work, four holes made in attempt to find a viable vein for an IV and one hole that the IV actually decided to work in. Just imagine how much fun that was!!!

Here is the real low down on what happened. I have been getting sick a lot, four or five times a day, and the medicine that my doctor was prescribing me wasn't getting the time it needed in me to work. I had been in touch with my doctor almost every day letting him know what was going on and how the drugs weren't staying in and neither was most of my foods and liquids. Finally yesterday they had either had enough of me calling and complaining or they were getting worried too, maybe a little of both, and they told me to go and have some blood work done and then head over to their office to see the doctor.

I went for the blood work around 9:45am and was at my doctors office around 10:15am, they took me back to a small room, weighed me and took my blood pressure. (I was down 5 lbs. from last Friday and my blood pressure was 132/89, high for me.) After talking to Dr. Filer for about five minutes he decided to hook me up to an IV and try and rehydrate me, get some color back in my cheeks. He said he was going to try and get two 1000mL bags in me and that it would take about an hour. So Sue, the drug lady, went back to get the bags and all of the other paraphernalia and we were ready to begin.

Well stick one came on my right hand, she had the needle in and turned the drip on and I got this immediate stinging because, as I learned later, the vein was blocked and the fluid was just stretching the vein, ballooning it. On to the left hand, again problems with my veins, I guess when you are dehydrated your veins shrink so getting in there seemed to be a problem. This process went on again on my right wrist and then back to my left hand again, until finally they got the process to work in my left elbow area, where the blood had been taken about an hour before.

Needless to say this process took quite a while and by the time I had absorbed about 1 and 3/4 of the fluid it was 2pm and I was not only stir crazy but also nauseas and tired. The day was almost finished when Dr. Filer came in to let me know that before I went home I had to go back to the lab and have one more test done, I might have a kidney infection. UGH!!! Ok fine, just one more little side trip and then I can go back to my bed, lie down, and forget about this day. So around 2:30pm I was finally back home, full of fluids, and about to pass out. I did throw up again, only once though, and I think it was just as much the tired as the nausea on that one.

So now I am home, fighting with the nausea still, but thankful for the fight being in my own home. So far this morning the Zofran is working and nothing has made a repeat appearance. I am still both hungry and nauseas at the same time, which makes things interesting. Hopefully this stage will be peaking soon and then on the decline so I can get back to somewhat normal living. On the plus side I did learn yesterday that if I have to get IV fluids again that Dr. Filer will call a home health care nurse to come to my house to do it, yay for my own bed!!

Alright, saga over for now. I will talk to you all soon!!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 12, 2006

Well here is baby!!

We just returned from our first ultrasound and boy was that awesome!! The baby is measuring 7 weeks and 5 days and the official due date is December 24th. (Almost exactly what I had picked!!) The best part of the ultrasound, by far, was getting to see the heartbeat and then being able to hear it. There is nothing like hearing that sound and then realizing that it is coming from inside you. AMAZING!! The heartbeat was nice and strong at 155 bpm and both the doctor and ultrasound tech. said that everything looked great!!

We are scheduled for our final visit with Dr. Filer on our 5th wedding anniversary, Friday May26th at 9am. We will have one last ultrasound and then are promoted to our OB/GYN. Woo-hoo!! Ok well I have to go eat lunch part #2 and take a nap to avoid getting sick, lovely huh?! I'll talk to you all soon!!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It Has Begun.........

Well we just returned from our first pre-natal visit and upon entering the house I got sick for the first time. I knew it was coming, I had some peanut butter crackers that weren't sitting quite well, and just like that I was running for the bathroom; yes I made it in time. So the next exciting chapter in my pregnancy has begun, the vomiting stage.

Right now I feel alright, I think I got all of the crackers out. I just hope that I can limit this new activity to once a day, I have a feeling that won't be the case though. My nurse practitioner already gave me a prescription for an anti-nausea drug that I can have filled at any time, but I am going to wait for at least a little while just to see how things will fare.

Well other than that our appointment went well, nothing new or exciting to report. We did schedule our first ultrasound for next Friday May 12th at 11:30am. I can't wait. That's all for now, I have to go lie down again.........

Monday, May 01, 2006

Feeling strange......

This past Saturday evening Nat's company had their 10-year Anniversary party at the Centre Club on the 16th floor of the Legg Mason building in Baltimore. We were so excited because we had heard there would be an awesome view but we got a bonus surprise when we learned that the 5th leg of the Volvo Ocean Race was ending that day in Baltimore. If you click on the picture you can get a larger view of the Waterfront Festival and the sailboats, the 3rd boat from the right is the Black Pearl, the Pirates of The Caribbean ship owned by Disney. (I think, Karen can tell me what I missed here!)

Anyhow the party was a lot of fun, the view was fantastic and at the end of the night the company handed the keys to a new 2006 Ford Mustang GT over to one lucky employee, and no it wasn't us, although if you would have asked Nat we were definitely walking away with those keys. The woman that won the car is a receptionist at his company and she is such a nice person that we were almost thankful that she won instead of us, she was there with her father and uncle who were in the same state of shock and amazement as she was. It was pretty cool!

To change the conversation I am beginning to really believe this whole pregnancy thing. It has taken some time to come to grips with it, believe that it's really happening, but when the nausea begins, it's real. Over the course of the past 48 hours it has been slowly creeping in, a little here and a little there. Nothing too bad yet, but I'm packing crackers wherever I go. Last night around 3am I was up for one of my nightly bathroom trips and man was my stomach ever going nuts, I felt like I was on one of those sailboats in choppy water! Fortunately I forced a few crackers down and was able to fall back to sleep but I have a feeling that wasn't a random event. Right now I am trying to figure out what to eat for lunch and my stomach is wanting none of anything, I need some advice here!!

Ok well I am going down to rummage through the cupboard and hopefully find something that will calm the beast within. I'll be back on Wednesday to update you all on our first pre-natal visit, talk to you soon!!!! Posted by Picasa