Thursday, September 14, 2006

Losing a Role Model

Today I lost one of my role models and boy was she a big one for me. I almost couldn't believe the news when I saw it; former Texas governor Ann Richards had passed away yesterday after a bout with esophageal cancer. Many of you know that I am a Democrat, and very interested in politics, and as a woman there was and is no greater woman to represent that party than Ms. Richards.

Many people outside of Texas might not know much about her; she was a one term Texas governor who was defeated by now president George W. Bush in 1994. She never did run for anything again, but her silver tongue and quick whit made her a favorite guest commentator at conventions and on TV political shows. I had the privilege of seeing her as a guest speaker at my community college in Fort Worth in 2000, I really didn't see her as much as I heard her, even though she had not been re-elected as governor in Texas her popularity rating never dipped below 60% and people would come from miles around just to see her.

She is from a dying generation of women that could be feminist without shoveling it down your throat, classy and brassy at the same time. She always said she got in to politics and out of being a housewife so her tombstone wouldn't read, "She kept a really clean house". She spoke her mind and there isn't anyone out there that could disagree with someone with more sass than Ms. Richards, it was always fun to watch her get someone going.

In the end her I know her legacy and spirit live on. Texas women have something inherently special about them that this Yankee girl can't get enough of, Ms. Richards had it and so do many women I have known from Texas. They aren't afraid to be women, they speak their mind, have opinions, disagree with people and aren't the least apologetic about it; all this while looking like they just walked out of a beauty salon, hair all in place and perfectly dressed. What's even more remarkable is that I rarely hear or heard swearing, they don't use it because it's not effective as a woman, a trap that I often fall in to.

Now that's a legacy, leaving behind a generation of women, on both sides of the political isle, that can serve it up and take it all while wearing high heels and manicured nails. Thank you Ms. Richards for always being yourself and not fading in to the sunset. The stars tonight will be a little less bright.........

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