Tuesday, September 19, 2006

She Has A Middle Name, Finally!!

So we have finally decided on a middle name for our daughter and I'm pretty sure none of you would have guessed it?! Her full and proper name will be:

Katherine Elaine Burt

Katherine is Nat's great-aunt's name and Elaine is my mother's middle name; we went back and forth with the middle name so much because Nat really liked Elaine as a first name and wasn't sure he wanted to give up on that possibility, chances are in our favor for another girl. In the end we both liked the way it sounds when the first words are, "Introducing the next President of these United States" or " Introducing the Shuttle Captain for this mission", you get the drift. Feel free to substitute your own aspirations for my child in there, gold medal winner, Nobel Peace prize recipient, yada, yada, yada.......

In other news we had a doctors visit yesterday, the last one of my second trimester. Katie's heartbeat sounded great and my blood pressure is looking normal at 124/70. The nurse told me there was a "fair" amount of sugar in my urine, sorry if that's TMI, but I am scheduled for my glucose resistance test on Friday or Saturday so we will soon be finding out if I'm turning diabetic, why not?!

Also I was told that beginning at 34 weeks I will be given weekly stress tests, the baby would actually be taking the test, to see how well she will potentially handle labor. In the last ultrasound they discovered that she has a condition that is called, velementous cord attachment, which means that her umbilical cord isn't attached to the center of the placenta but off to the side somewhat. It isn't that uncommon and would only be detrimental to the baby if I were to go into active labor and she wouldn't do well, the most likely outcome would be an emergency c-section. By running the fetal stress tests they will be able to tell me if I should just go ahead and plan a scheduled Cesarean or if she does well than we proceed with the normal birthing process. I guess just another one of those wait and see situations?

We do have our next ultrasound on Monday, hopefully we will learn more about this cord situation then. Overall I'm not to worried about it, my doctor reassured me that she has seen this all before and if I have to get a c-section then oh well. So I'm just going to go with the flow on this one, plus I'm definatly more excited to see how big she's gotten and to find out that she's just as healthy as she was at our last ultrasound. Can't wait!!!

Ok well that's it for me. Oh, except my doctor was proud of me for finally hitting my pre-pregnancy weight, I'm back to normal, and my measurement from pubic bone to the top of my uterus was 27.5 cm, I'm 26.5 weeks, so she was happy to see that too. Ok now I'm really done, I'll catch you all up after the ultrasound on Monday!!!!

Have a good week!!!

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