Saturday, January 20, 2007

Sleeping Baby

This is how Nat always ends up sleeping with Katie, she starts out on his chest and ends up sliding on down to where her head is on his hip bone.
Me and Katie, she stays up on my chest, maybe it's because I have something holding her up there?! At last evenings weigh-in she offically exceeded 9 lbs. at a heafty 9 lbs. 1 oz. She is beginning to fill into her 0-3 month clothing and although she still fits into most of her newborn outfits when she gets a full body stretch going her long legs really test the strength of the cotton holding it all together. I guess it's time to retire the newborn stuff; she is almost 11 weeks old after all! Well Nat is giving Katie her last bottle of the night, it's 11pm, so I am going to get ready for bed and another long night with my baby.......(still not sleeping longer than 3.5 hours at a time??) Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!

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