Sunday, January 14, 2007

Crazy Katie....

We have had another crazy week here with Katie, poor thing can't seem to stay healthy. Starting last Monday Katie was having some problems breathing, she was really stuffed up and was actually coughing herself awake. I tried to get the junk out of her nose with the aspirator but I couldn't seem to reach it. Finally Thursday morning I had heard enough and took her into the doctors office, yes they all know us already, and although she had no temperature and her ears and lungs were clear Katie's doctor thought it would be best if we went up to the hospital to get mucus vacuumed out of her nose and tested for RSV and pertussis (whooping cough). So once again we made the trek into York Hospital, but this time it was a short trip with good news, no RSV, no pertussis. YAY!! They did suck out a good amount of mucus and even though she didn't like the procedure itself she fell asleep about 10 minutes later most likely because she could breathe. Today she seems to be doing better, still stuffy, but sleeping better and even having some energy to play. We have to stay vigilant with her health, especially now that winter might actually pay us a visit. Hospital stays are common when preemies and newborn babies contract RSV and even though she tested negative her doctor is still worried because whatever she does have has weakened her immune system making her more vulnerable to pick up RSV. It's always something. Ok well have a good week, I'll keep posting pictures......

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