Monday, March 19, 2007

My First Solid!

Katie had her first taste of big kid food today at 10:30am. She ended up having about 5 spoonfuls of her rice cereal before she had enough and wanted her bottle. I guess she got the taste of formula in her mouth and wondered why it wasn't continually coming, got ticked and decided she was done. She used her special spoon that her Grandpa Sylvanus bought when she was born and some cups that her cousin Allison bought for her. We will try again tomorrow and see if we have any more success, I hear it takes about a week for them to understand solid foods?
Katie's first confusing bite in her big girl high chair.
The end result and yes the bib we tried was way too big, we get that now.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

just like cum baby girl ,open wide let me give you real stuff