Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm Sick!

Nat's been pulling double duty as both Mom and Dad the past two days as I have come down with the flu. It stinks, I feel rotten, but worse I can't get near Katie because the flu is so contractable. Stupid flu. Anyhow, here are some pictures that I took today when Nat brought her home from a stroll around the neighborhood and of her eating her squash for dinner. Thank goodness for zoom options on the camera because the "Father Rooster" wouldn't let me anywhere near Kate.

New House

Here are some of the latest pictures of the house. The outside is almost done, but the inside really hasn't changed too much. (hence no new pictures) They still need to finish some of the brick work, siding, the front porch, roof and install the shutters but most of it is done and so far we are happy with the stuff we picked! I'll keep you updated on the progess....

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Guess who's back?!

Daddy's back, Thank GOD!! It was a rough 8 days, even with the huge ammount of help that I got, but now that he's back things are right with the world. Today the three of us went to swimming class and Nat took the class with Katie while I took too many pictures. She had a blast swimming again even though Nat had some problems keeping her face out of the water. Katie cried a couple of times, but they were brief periods of sadness surrounded by long bouts of excitement. They played with the little crab above, did the Hokie pokie and ring around the rosie and all of that activity must have worn her down because she is passed out in her daddy's arms. Now Nat and I are going to watch Heroes from Monday, woo-hoo, and maybe take a little snooze myself! Picture taking is hard work too!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

Odd Behavior!

So Katie enjoys gnawing on my Mother's chin for some reason?! Hummmm.....

Saturday, April 21, 2007

First Swimming Lesson!!

Today was our first swimming lesson at the Jewish Community Center and did we ever have a blast! Katie did so well, in fact I would say that she loved it. I'm not sure if it was the water or all of the other kids, the sights and noises, but she didn't wimper one bit. We stayed in the water for about 30 minutes and by the end of class she was kicking and splashing water in my eyes with great excitement. Looks like Nat and I made a water baby!
This picture was taken immediatly after dunking Katie under water, she didn't seem to mind too much.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Guess Who Finally Rolled Over!!

No I didn't get pictures of the actual first roll over but she did it for the first time sometime early Wednesday morning and now she can't stop doing it, she's a stomache sleeper and I found her in her crib at 5:30am on her back! Within the span of three days she has started rolling all over the place and grabbing her feet and playing with them constantly. Of course these things all coincide with Nat being away in Denver, so he has missed all of the action. And speaking of action tomorrow we have our first swimming lesson so stay tuned for pictures, I have to get to bed and rest up for the big day, can't be sleepy with a baby in a pool!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Katie Pictures!

Katie was pretty hammy for the camera today so I took a few cute pictures that I thought I would pass along. We are in the middle of some crazy wind/rain so we have been stuck inside all day so we played and worked on sitting up and rolling over. I swear she could roll over if she wanted but she gets half way and then just rolls back. I guess she's just a lazy baby! Sitting up is another story, she usually just flops forward and cries, I think this is where the premature thing comes in to play. She is just over 14 lbs. so maybe she just isn't strong enough to keep erect? Who knows, we will keep working on it though. Nat leaves for Denver on Wednesday and will be gone for 9 days; am I scared, you bet your a** I am! My Mother is coming over to help out, thank God, so I won't be alone. Please pray for a good week of sleeping and happiness!! You will also forgive me if I don't post anything, it could be a very long 9 days!!
My babies!
I guess we were working her too hard, she just layed her little head down and started sucking her thumb. Poor baby.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Another Big Day

Today was another big day for Katie, she left Pennsylvania for the first time! We went down to Linthicum, Maryland to have lunch with Nat and to introduce her to all of his co-workers. Once again she surprised us all by sleeping the whole way down to his office, staying happy and alert while being passed around and then sleeping the whole way back to York. I would have taken pictures but one of the places Nat works doesn't allow cameras so we forgot to take any pictures at all! Anyhow, she did well and as a bonus she has been sleeping from 10pm- 5:30am for us now so it is all smiles from us here!!

I just had to add this picture to show all of her crazy drool, still no sign of teeth but the drool is coming in nicely!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

Today we spent the first part of the Easter holiday visiting with the Tillotson's, after they spent two hours at Mass!! Tilly's son Ben is so big, I can't believe how cute he is and how expansive his vocabulary is for a 22 month old. We had fun watching him get jealous when his "Mimi", Grandmother, was holding Katie and not him and it gave Nat and I a small window on the biggining stages of the terrible 2's. After our visit with the whole clan we hopped over to my parents house for some Easter treats!! Of course like the previous night there was some spoiling of Katie going on, new outfits, stuffed animals and books. The picture above is my Mother holding Katie who is holding her new bunny. The picture below is my dad holding Katie while watching Elmocize, she thought it was cool for about 5 minutes. I took my Mom over to see our new house under construction and then it was back home for a much needed nap. And now I'm going to bed because even writing this is making me tired!!!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter from the Burt's

Tonight, Saturday night, we went over to Nat's parents house to celebrate Easter. As usual Katie was spoiled with hugs, kisses and cute little outfits. She really was a good baby tonight, playing with her Aunt Christy, taking walks with Grandpa and even licking her lips and watching Great-Grandma drink her wine. (That's my little Italian princess!!) I hope everybody has a good Easter weekend with their friends and families and try to enjoy the weather if you are an East Coaster!! (Is it really spring?)

Easter at Grandma and Grandpa Burt's!! (pt.2)

Katie and Great-Grandma Lucia.
Katie and Aunt Christy, they had a nice long stroll around the house.
Katie and Grandma, as you can see Katie likes to have her picture taken.....

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Good Friday!!

Katie and I went to the outlets in Lancaster on Tuesday with Michelle and Makenzie and Katie got a new stuffed Lamb from the Pottery Barn Outlet. As you can tell she really, really likes the lamb and with her new crazy gripping skills I am having some issues with her putting it down. Oh and she also likes to pull my hair; ah discovery of power!!! Have a Happy Easter!!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Katie's Trip

This past Sunday was Katie's first visit outside of York County. Now I know that sounds bad seeing as how she will be 5 months old in five days but you have to remember that for the first three months she wasn't allowed out of the house and then when she was allowed out it wouldn't stop snowing! Anyhow, we had a good trip to Nat's Grandfather's house, she slept the whole way there and wasn't too bothered by being awake in a new place. She got a bit fussy when it was time to eat but other than that she was pretty good. In all not a bad visit.
I'm telling you this girl is teething, you can see she is trying really hard to shove her entire fist into her mouth; I wish you could see the drool!!
Nat's Grandfather and his wife Carole got this little bunny for Katie for Easter and she held on to it the entire ride home from Lancaster. I eventually had to take it away from her because she started chewing on it and the little fur was coming off in her mouth. I should have known that would happen, she's a little gopher gnawing on EVERYTHING!!!