Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Katie's Trip

This past Sunday was Katie's first visit outside of York County. Now I know that sounds bad seeing as how she will be 5 months old in five days but you have to remember that for the first three months she wasn't allowed out of the house and then when she was allowed out it wouldn't stop snowing! Anyhow, we had a good trip to Nat's Grandfather's house, she slept the whole way there and wasn't too bothered by being awake in a new place. She got a bit fussy when it was time to eat but other than that she was pretty good. In all not a bad visit.
I'm telling you this girl is teething, you can see she is trying really hard to shove her entire fist into her mouth; I wish you could see the drool!!
Nat's Grandfather and his wife Carole got this little bunny for Katie for Easter and she held on to it the entire ride home from Lancaster. I eventually had to take it away from her because she started chewing on it and the little fur was coming off in her mouth. I should have known that would happen, she's a little gopher gnawing on EVERYTHING!!!

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