Friday, April 10, 2009

A Million Pictures...okay 18, still a lot!?

Tripp in the walker, I think he's really enjoying sitting upright as much as possible!
Katie and Maddux outside playing.
Katie, just looking cute!!
Well today, Good Friday, we had a very big play date and it was just about as fun as it gets! Amy and her family came back to York for Easter and it's the first time any of us had seen her in about 16 months!! In that time she got pregnant, had Bennett, Heather got pregnant and Michelle had Grayson; in Mom years it was way too long!! We were so happy to have all of our kids together and eat, talk and watch them all play..........look at how cute they all are?!
A group shot of Makenzie going to the bathroom, what a very teachable moment, thanks Kenzie!! (I promise to forget about this picture when you are 16!)

The most full our table has been yet, pizza and cheese curls, yum!
The bounce house gets them every time!!
Bennett chillin' in the walker, what a cute little peanut!
Chase giving me a big cheese on his way up the bouncer.
Karen reacquainting herself with a little one.
Amy teaching Lauren the sit n' spin, the greatest toy EVER!
Grayson with half of a plastic Easter egg, hum.......where did that other half get too?
Another cheese from Chase, he's such a little ham and a cute one at that!
Bennett crashing out after all of the fun......poor guy isn't old enough to party yet?!
Trying our best to get a group picture, would you believe that this is the best I have?
A little piano music for the goodbyes, hopefully it won't be another 16 months until we do this again!!

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