It's been an action packed Valentine's Day here at the Burt house! As you can see by the picture above it started off with a little laziness, but we got moving soon after this picture and made it up to the Country Club for brunch; something we have often talked about but never gotten motivated enough to do. It was delicious, of course, and the activity for the kids today was making a Valentine's Day card so we got a nice little surprise too.
Last week Nat pulled my old computer out of storage (aka the basement) and we decided that it is time to start getting Katie acquainted with technology. I was amazed at how fast she figured out how to use the mouse, Nat taught her in about 30 minutes and now she sits up on the computer for good 30 minute spurts playing on her favorite website, and ours,
Using the mouse to learn some words.
After dinner we decided to head over to Red Lion to try out this new place called Atomic Bounce. Two mom's went into business about a year ago by buying a few inflatable bounce houses and now they have such a following that twice a month they rent out the Red Lion fire hall, charge $5 and the kids bounce their little hearts out! Here are some pictures from our fun evening.
Maddux deciding to come down the slide backwards and on his stomach.
Chase deciding that looked good enough for him!
Katie doing her own thing.
I just liked her hair in this picture.
Happy Chase.
Riding an inflatable dinosaur.
A BIG cheese.
One of Katie's favorites, they also had a toddler toy area, she called it "the ride" and asked when we got home when she could go on the ride again!
Do you think she liked the slide?
Her last trip down she had to try it on her stomach..........looks like it was fun!
All bounced out............HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!