Saturday, February 06, 2010

More BIG Snow!!

For the second time this season we have gotten knocked out with snow, about 26 inches this time around! CRAZY!! It started snowing yesterday around 3pm and by noon today we finally felt like we could make it outside to shovel, it was blowing around so much earlier in the day that it would have been pointless to even try. Katie was excited to get out and play and as you can see she had a blast!
Nat and Katie starting to shovel.
Walking up and down the driveway surveying her snow.
Carrying her "snowball", she would just find big hunks of snow (already packed) and throw them at our behinds.
The front of our house.
Katie with another snowball.
Guess who she's chasing after?
Katie and Nat.
Katie after falling face first into the snow.
This is a snow pile at the corner of our street, the angle of the picture isn't great, but the pile was over 6 feet from all of the plowing.
Our street pole, I'm standing in the middle of the street and the snow was almost over my head!

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