Currently it's is 80 degree's outside, Katie is fast asleep in the car and I am inside enjoying the breeze while typing away. Sheri, Heather and I all thought that today would be a great day to pack a lunch and hit the park and as you can tell the kids had a blast!
Getting ready to go down the slide.
Maddux mid-stride, he had places to go!
Happy sliding girl!
That's the way you do it!
Chase giving me a smile.
Baby Dylan in the shade.
Eagerly awaiting Maddux coming down the slide.
Upclose on sweet baby Dylan.
Who goes down the slide with their thumbs up?
Sheri and Dylan taking a trip down the little slide.
Using the "hands are for helping, not hitting" rule.......for once!
Everybody ganging up on Sheri and Dylan!!