Monday, April 26, 2010

Ade's 1st Birthday

We had another 1st birthday party to attend this week, Miss Adeline Williams was the hit this week. Her mom had the party at Gymboree and the kids all had a blast! Here are some pictures from the party.
The kids doing a parade with maracas.
Pretending to be monkey's!
Maddux swinging in the trees.
Baby Madison.
This kids all bouncing on the "air log", it eventually rolls over and all of the kids came tumbling off of it, they LOVE it!
Chase sliding down the elephant's neck.
Natalie on the slide.
Katie's turn!
Natalie giving Ade a big hug.
Birthday Girl!!
Katie pretending to be a monkey!
Parachute time, Katie hasn't been to Gymboree in over a year and remembered the parachute like it was yesterday!
Bubble time.

Can you tell they love the bubbles?
Chase, Maddux and baby Dylan got into the fun!
All of the kids in the middle of the parachute while the moms and dads spin them around.
All of the kids under the parachute, they loved this activity too!
Everybody under the tent.
Happy 1st Birthday Ade!
Miss Kristin and Evy brought over a life sized Barbie for Katie, yes she is BIG, and the outfit can either stay on Barbie or on took about two seconds for Katie to decide that she had to have it on!

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