Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

Yesterday, Saturday, we had the annual Easter egg hunt up at the Country Club of York. It was the first time in six years that the kids could actually do the egg hunt outside, the weather was and is GORGEOUS!
Grammy bought Katie and Tripp matching outfits, they looked so cute!
Unfortunately we couldn't get a great picture!
All of the kids getting ready to scramble for eggs.
The under 4 yr.old crowd didn't have to look very hard for the eggs.
Poor Tripp fell on the driveway on Friday, oh well, he's still adorable!
Nat helping Katie open up some eggs.
Liz, Doug and Tripp.
Me, Katie and Nat.
Katie and the Easter bunny.
Tripp is still a little unsure of that bunny.
The kids watching the puppet show after the egg hunt and brunch, Katie LOVED the puppet show!
After the club egg hunt we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Burt's house to celebrate Easter with them.
Running for her eggs.
Opening up her eggs, yummy goldfish and pretzels!
Being silly.
Playing with Grandpa.
Opening up part of her Easter basket, there were a bunch of outfits that I never took pictures of.
A sticker book, yay!
Cool fingerpaints.
"Chocolate"......can you tell she loves it!
Still happy with her chocolate.

The Easter bunny's handy work.
Oohh, a Ariel mermaid barbie.
Ray, from the Princess and the Frog, she loves him.
Finding eggs.
Found another one.
Still going.
The Easter bunny tried to be sneaky, but she found them all!
The End! Happy Easter Everybody!

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