Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Goodbye 20's!!

BYE-BYE 20's!!!
Today is the last day I will spend as a freewheelin twenty-something and tomorrow I begin anew in my 30's, as a bonafied adult. I know half of you reading this are thinking ugh 30 and the other half are think aahh 30, either way tomorrow it's happening to yours truly and to be honest, I'm excited!!!

No, really.

Sure I’m a little sad to say farewell to my 20’s, they were pretty awesome as far as decades go. (They sure beat being in my teens!!) But would I want to relive them or repeat them, no freakin’ way! I guess if history has anything to say about my aging thus far it is that my life is only getting better; I mean let’s face it I am way ahead of where I was 5, 10, 15 years ago, would I switch places with 25 year old me, no way Jose!

I’m excited for what my 30’s will hold, children, nieces and nephews, new friends and exciting adventures. I welcome this new chapter of life. Sure I’m going to start finding wrinkles and gray hairs, who cares, I can sit down with friends I have had and kept for over half of my life and laugh about it. Now that’s something worth celebrating!

So as I turn 30 I thought it would be appropriate to leave myself some good memories about the past 10 years, so please indulge me in remembering:

The Best Things That Happened To Me In My 20's: My TOP 10!!!

10. Retaining friends from high school, I don’t think many people can say that their best friends when they turn 30 are the exact same as they were when they were 18.
9. Becoming a Burt, from Grandma Lucia down to cousin Natalie. Those Italians love their family and love to eat, ain’t nothin’ wrong with living that way!
8. Becoming friends, not enemies, with my parents. (Wouldn’t have said that 15 years ago!!)
7. Buying my first and second homes, mostly my second because I love it so much.
6. Living in Texas, it was fun while it lasted and made me fall in love with my favorite American city, thus far, Austin!
5. Getting to see many of my best friends get married and being in two of the weddings (Amy and Karen)
4. Ben, Emma, and Makenzie, they didn’t happen to me, but my friends really have some good lookin’ kids!
(Tie). Adopted my fat cat Scout!!
(Tie). I saw both of my sister’s, Liz and Sarah, marry.
(Bonus on this one was I got to be the Matron of Honor in both weddings!!)
1. I married my favorite person in the world!
Well that's it from here!! I have to hurry up and do something crazy before I turn 30 and it's already noon. ( 12 hours left!!) Aagh!!!!

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