Friday, March 31, 2006

It's the final countdown.....

The countdown is on.......

I just returned from the doctors office and my first ultrasound for this cycle, finally. As I said in my last post they were concerned by my Estradiol numbers, a little low, so the pumped up my Follistim intake and as of today their trick worked! I haven't gotten my blood work results back yet but from the ultrasound I can safely say that my retrieval will most likely be Monday, if not Sunday.

I went in today expecting that I would have a few small follicles, still developing, and that I would be back in two days for a follow-up check and then we would see some maturing. Nope! I have twelve measurable follicles, larger than 12mm, seven on my right and five on my left. I'm an egg making machine! Out of those twelve, seven are mature, meaning larger than 18mm so if we had the retrieval tomorrow I would most likely have seven eggs. I couldn't believe it, I feel like I was in much more pain the last time I did this, maybe I'm just handling it better? Who knows. All I know is that I respond to medication really, really well!!

The next step is taking what they call a "trigger shot". At some point, either tonight or tomorrow night, I will give myself yet another injection of a drug called Ovidrel. Ovidrel is given about 36 hours before the retreival as a final push for the maturation of the eggs and to loosen them up for the retrieval. Lisa, the ultrasound lady, figures with the Ovidrel I might be able to pick-up a lagging follicle or two and maybe get 8-10 mature eggs. (fingers crossed) I had 10 mature eggs last time so anything in that range would be fantastic!

So now I just sit and wait for instructions from Sue, the drug lady at the Fertility Center. She normally calls around 1pm, so I have an hour to wait patiently, yeah right, for my final instructions.

I can't believe this is it!!!!!

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